The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

Shur look it, that’s the way it’s gone now.

I think he blacked out for long periods around then

I’m here if you have something to say.

Even for here it was a weird time, but the carryon since has even surpassed that.

I just said it publicly :man_shrugging:t2:

I presume this is Sid related? I said already I thought the banning was wrong and defended him but I didn’t really say anything about the twitter stuff. It got too nuts to keep up with… I wasn’t aware that mbbs posts were put online but at least it wasn’t his real identity

It’s mad the way some lads think others putting up posts they’ve voluntarily made amounts to “doxxing”.

Almost like they haven’t a clue what the word means.

Ye’ve lost the run of yourselves lads. What the fuck has been happening here?


Oh look who it is… Well you can fuck right off again.

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We forgot who we are, what we stand for and what it means. Perhaps we never really knew.


we’ve forgotten the face of our father.

@the_mixer_walsh ? Sure he burned his own face off in a barbecue grease fire…on purpose, then he ate the grease.

Lads not understanding what doxxing means. But they’re noobs so that’s ok.

Hovering around 7, rare that its so high this early in the day.

probably one of the ireland based weirdos was up all night arguing and hasnt had enough sleep

Doxing , or doxxing (from “dox”, abbreviation of documents ), is the Internet-based practice of researching and publicly broadcasting private or identifying information (especially [personally identifying information] about an individual or organization.

pretty well sums up what was threatened to me

Yes, but not to me.

Which information was this?

you know well what information that was. im still available for that coffee pal

No, not you. Your identity is still safe.