The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

Edgelord buzzword alert

Oh the edge

It turned into the typical shitshow where fellas played the man. Always the same characters

Some guys just have to be experts on everything, absolutely everything.

It must be exhausting, take over your life :man_shrugging:


The Internet is serious business
But to @the_man_himself point, it was an interesting and informative thread until yesterday

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I wonder why?


It was, @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy has turned it into typical nasty personal attacks, going both ways mind.
I think lads here are more concerned with their internet image than anything in the world


I honesty dont know how they have all the time to be on here so much

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People should now just ignore the poisonous gom and let @Cheasty and others get on with the in depth updates, which are invaluable.

My point is made about his snivelling hypocrisy in even contemplating saying anything on this topic. He got nailed last night to the cross of prior comments. He has not a stitch of credibility left. And we all know the only place where being without a stitch is useful.


Ah yes.

Mary Poppins, the arch defender of anything Cork regardless of what they do. The tireless gaslighter who defends corrupt scumbags tirelessy with his decent person schtick wades in.

Hypocrites fear me.

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It was a decent thread for the hypocrites until I pointed out those who screamed loudest and hardest were hypocritical actors.

Cheasty has had a great week. Informed points relevant to the issue. Called out putin for what he is. Yes there is other awful stuff happening around the world, yes the US are warmongers but sticking to the Russian issue he has been great. Myself and himself had ploar opposite opinions on covid and got stuck in the mud but speaking for myself accept our differences on that topic but are able debate with common ground on others. Dont play the man and we get some great insights


What great insights do we get. Thousands of retweets of US warmongers?

By your logic here the British would still rule all of Ireland surely ?

This logic of saving life’s by folding to evil armadas is bizarre.

I agree with all those comments, for what it is worth.

The place was far better off without the other gobshite.

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Who intervened on behalf of Ireland?

A nuclear power station being bombed only a few borders away, and lads still stuck in their own little heads and feuds of self righteousness

This place can be gas at times

A lot of the “why doesnt sleepy eamon build nuclear power plants” very quiet today

Heavy artillery being rained down on @Heyyoubehindthebushes here, will he come out of his bunker to defend against such savagery?

Hiding undsr a sitka spruce atm. Nuclear is the way forward how can you defend it being attacked during warfare? Only an army that is commiting war crimes by the minute attackimg civilians and medical facilities i guess would attack a nuclear power plant. Its mental that has to be said.

Thankfully this facility is a lot safer than chernobyl but its always the risk you have missiles flying into them.

Very worrying

Bring back @bill.