The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

To do what exactly?

In the event of a petrol shortage we need @bill to stoke the raging inferno….

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10 min time out put in place on the Invasion thread. I can see it going out to 30 mins.

Risky move. What happens if Vlad fires the nuke? We’ll be dead in 10 mins


There’ll be an alert on the thread, kind of a countdown clock job……

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Like the Swayzie (sp) clock?

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We’re going to end up with 5 or 6 posters fighting for both sides by this time next week if we aren’t careful.

Same one fella ruins every thread - all the time. Have him on ignore since the Covid thread but everyone keeps engaging with him on the Ukraine and his parallell worlds injustices bullshittery.

Why do people entertain that shite all the time?


The anti-woke lads are fierce angry. At other people having opinions that aren’t stupid.

Not at people being genocided. They’ve no problem with that.

The scary thing is some of these lads have children.

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You see, he was right about the invasion (a binary outcome) so he was right about everything else he has ever spouted on here. The tail is up now and yisers were all wrong about everything.


Nobody really cares about what he thinks though, that’s a pill he needs to swallow fairly pronto before his fingers go to stubs and he can’t stick them up his hole anymore.

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This guy has dedicated his life to Internet fora, he doesn’t care what everyone else thinks. He will be heard and that’s all that matters to him. It’s a vocation.

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The lads care deeply about what the poster they claim not to care about says.

They care.

Oh, they care.

That’s very, very sad in so many ways. Loads of people enabling him on here too.

An addiction, like any of the other ones I guess. He’s probbaly obvlivious to the downside.

Looks like somebody is oblivious alright.

How does “that’s a pill you need to swallow fairly pronto” work for you as a chat up line?

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The Hidden replies are piling up. Half the forum, at least, have him on ignore. Most of the rest are sniggering at him. It’s some waste of time.

@TheUlteriorMotive is the chap who signed up here because he thought there was a rape video on the “pay” section.

Folks around Crokes would want to be careful. Garda vetting procedures can only do so much.

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