The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum


Welcome back to Hotel California, Mr Brady


Id say the defcon level around here is higher than the kremlin war room


Lads around here take themselves awful seriously so they do.


Hearts and minds. They are doing God’s work.

Some of the folks on here must be worn out by know we have had 2 years of covid battles and then straight into the Russian/Ukraine conflict. This has to be taken a toll on some.

some minds arent worth winning

And we haven’t even got to the intercounty championship yet.

Hopefully they get a rest week or two before that kicks off, the poor lads will be burnt out in no time if they go straight into the championship.

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Young Brady cleaning house tonight. Reminds me of Fr. Henry Sellars on Fr. Ted.

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Always entertaining when his missus leaves him have the phone for an hour

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He truly is the best of us all

Something we’ll never hear uttered about any of your posts.




He might actually have retired a few lads there. Overkill, almost

The enlightened corkman would want to calm it with the Jesus talk, it’s not edgy to be an athiest anymore

Ah now only a debate
Not a battle

Jesus wasn’t mentioned btw

Say two acts of contrition 3 hail marys and wash your keyboard

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