The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

Fair enough, I hear there is a forum opening up soon for the RC church to speak about ideas to modernize it?

Within the church obviously

Wherever they have the Internet id say

Are you RC or something more exotic?

Actually something similar happening all over the country atm
Tomorrow afternoon I know of one such gathering.
Lay ppl mostly
Church like any other establishment has to change with the times
Be more inclusive
More evangelism between concerned lay persons
More bible studies offered
Not blood fire and brimstone crap

I was never offered bible study whilst growing up
Yet was able to attend one nearby in the church of Ireland Crosshaven no sweat fir several months

We need women priests
These are my personal beliefs
Not shoving anything down ppls necks

Christian first / RC but open to believe my God Is for everyone

Nothing exotic in my beliefs
I’m a simple soul
Even simple souls need rest
Good luck


Fair enough, my question (and not intended for you) is how do you bridge the age gap? Will it be effectively dead in 10 years if nothing dramatic happens?

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Where one or more meet in my name,



I knew shit would go down when @Dooley returned

giphy - 2022-03-23T211800.510

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nuclear explosion GIF

The gloves are off.

Be interesting to see if Mr “ I’m not on Internet “ will walk the walk….


How are you getting on with the ‘cooy and paste’ research?

There all there, matey

So you’re leaving so?

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