The Beatles thread

He liked an aul pun did John. He used to call Yokoā€™s nieceā€™s The Japanieces.


It wouldnā€™t be hipster enough for you.

Yes itā€™s more for @TheUlteriorMotive type of music fan.

John never wanted George in the band initially, he was only a kid to him. He got fucked out of Germany also for being underage while working / taking amphetamines. Iā€™d say John was a right cunt when he wanted to be.

He was only a kid, Harrison was 15 when he joined the Beatles, 16 when he first went to Hamburg. Heā€™s 25 in the documentary, some fucking decade for him. I would say McCartney was a bigger cunt than Lennon, but both of them were mild to moderate cunts.

Iā€™m only a third of the way through part 2 but a few incidents aside, Iā€™m finding it hard not to like Paul.

He was a prick to George in part 1 but he seemed genuinely sorry for it. Not sure John cared too much about George by that point.

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he treated his first wife and first born abhorently


Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

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He had a tough childhood in regards his relationship with his parents then loss of his mother, then Beatlemaniaā€¦ youā€™d be a bit all over the place yourself pal.

No you can be sure Art would have held it all together through that.

Tis a wonder one of them didnā€™t clock that Michael Lindsay Hall fool when he mentioned playing for 2000 Arabs for the 30th time.


couple of lads here making a show of themselves making up excuses for spousal abuse

CC @glasagusban

He wasnā€™t that kind of singerā€¦

He comes across well in fairness, I suppose trying to hold things together. Lennon had lost interest at that point and was just going through the motions. While we are on the subject of abhorrent behavior, Paul should never be forgiven for his treatment of the lovely Jane Asher.

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he was just a jealous guy?

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The tension in the first episode is something else. If George wasnā€™t a Hari heā€™d have nutted Paul. Tho Paul was also weary of trying to hold the whole thing together. John , the lights are on but nobodies homeā€¦ Ringo is a pure godhelpus.

Paulā€™s a moaning cunt in the first one.

He comes across as an awful tool.

I think John tells him to fuck off at one point.

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Let the lads do all the heavy lifting while at the same time being to this day the most liked of the four, will more than likely be the last to go too. Far from a fool.

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