The Business Ideas thread

I prefer cash. Particularly on nights out.

Google maps not do? A serious pain in the hole in canada where youd be charged a fiver for using another banks atm

Banks are reducing the number of ATMs. (With the help of a few Norn bandits). Some countries are restricting the amount of cash you can withdraw to force people to go plastic.

As long as large swathes of the oirish political class continue as landlords there will always be cash .

My local is card only.

Would you run up a tab, or pay every round with the card?

Pay by the round. Could do a tab either but I’d likely forget to pay and get followed out and an embarrassing scene would ensue.
I’d add that with tapping the card, it’s a lot quicker, and more hygienic than cash, and you don’t have two pockets full of iron if you fall in the river on the way home.

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They’d drag you off your push bike?

I don’t know pal. Probably.

I never thought about it that way. I wonder have places that charge €5:10 for a pint been responsible for many drownings over the years?

Well we don’t know that they haven’t.

They should be done for manslaughter

A restaurant booking app. Like a only it’s for restaurants. So you type in that you are going to Cardiff and you want to eat at 8 o clock and it gives you all the restaurants in town with availability at that time and gives user reviews.

Ok it’s been already. Sorry about that.

You must be fantasising about grub on a 24hr. basis. Step back from the table for a spell and focus your attention on a few winning permutations in the upcoming rugby yoke.


opentable or something?

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Open Table and ResDiary now.

Not speaking to a human to book a place can only be a positive for most lads on here.



:clap: :clap:

If they could order remotely without needing to have eye contact with the waiter/waitress, even better.