The Business Ideas thread

I’ve heard worse ideas mate, but I think the big issue is there aren’t many “fans” of racing. Just punters. Also when horse get odds etc. really it’s just going to be someone with a lottery punt who wins it every week. No room for “shrewd” operators so no help to them really.
I wouldn’t rule it out, but it needs work. You’d need a nice few bob to get it off the ground as well


Ah I think racing is popular enough. A lot of people bet too a lot more than we realise. The stats prove this. Online betting is much bigger than 2014 and fantasy football is very popular.

Ya but it’s a completely different idea.

Horse racing is ridiculously niche. The fact its as bent as fuck means it’ll rarely attract your joe punter who plays Fantasy NFL. The same idea would have a better chance of working on Soccerball or GAA, it wouldn’t get the volumes for horse racing.

The American market is opening up too soon.

ya I’d have to look at many sports. 10 billion gambled online in Ireland i believe in 2018.

It sounds like a good way to attract young gamblers, there’s enough going on already in the world of gambling mate, it’s a scourge on society, if you want to do good as you said earlier then leave it alone


Only 25%? Anyone still gambling at the minute would want to get themselves checked*. What are they betting on Belarusian soccer and games of FIFA?

*Apart from online poker obviously. It’s back and it’s bigger than ever


I’d say those online casino games are depressingly popular

There was an interview with head of Flutter/Paddy Power in Sun Times at weekend and online poker/casinos is way up although they’ve made provisions in accounts for less of revenue on live sports/racing

I’m playing online poker with a few lads every weekend now. Hadn’t played in years prior to the lockdown

I didn’t even know paddy power still had an online poker room

I’m going to do some serious research for this.

ATR tried some stable stars thing a few years back with month prizes. There was just points for races and bonuses for bigger races. It was kind of shit.

The fact that clownshoe Kennedy was endorsing it the whole time didn’t help

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Ya himself and Blake were really pushing it. I must look up there game now.

How come those Aussie rule type tops haven’t taken off with gah players… All the young lads love the guns out these days… I had a look online and there are some but the design doesn’t look great and they are 35 bucks. Surely someone would clean up on these things if done right

Tank Top Tuesday.

Maybe this?
