The Business Ideas thread

I used to but I lost it on a night out. Why do you ask?

I’ll be dead and buried a long, long time before we ever see anything like that in Ireland.

If you are charging €1 an hour you are going to need an awful lot of bikes to make a few quid, and more bikes means more space.

Well, there’s many large buildings that are vacant and the bike racks that they have in that one in Sao Paolo look cheap and capable of holding a large number of bikes so fixtures and fittings would be cheap. I wouldn’t see this as a get rich thing but if I could make as much money as I do now (not a lot but enough) I’d love it. Some afternoon I hope to do a sweep of the streets to the south of Dame Street and count how many bikes are locked up, ripe for the taking. If the maths work, I think it could be a winner, I really do.

[quote=“Spidey, post: 814032, member: 289”][/quote]Class!

Thraw, sounds like a grand plan. You could probably sit down and run the stand for the day while sipping from a hip flask with the babby on your knee.

[quote=“glasagusban, post: 814084, member: 1533”]Class!

Thraw, sounds like a grand plan. You could probably sit down and run the stand for the day while sipping from a hip flask with the babby on your knee.[/quote]

By the time it’s up and running the little hooer will be of working age. Sure isn’t he almost 3. I’ll be in the back office watching the racing on an old black and white.

[quote=“Thrawneen, post: 814086, member: 129”]By the time it’s up and running the little hooer will be of working age. Sure isn’t he almost 3. I’ll be in the back office watching the racing on an old black and white.[/quote]Sounds like you’ve got it all worked out man.

It’s more for the inventions thread, but there’s a crowd in the states that take ideas off people, design the product etc and take it to market for you, you just have to come up with the bare idea and they give you 10% of the profits on it. One lad made a couple of mil off his idea. They get a few thousand submissions a week though and only pick a couple. Nice lazy mans way of getting the product to market with no capital outlay.

Its seems to be mainly kitchen utensils and shit like that though nothing overly complicated

[quote=“Julio Geordio, post: 814115, member: 332”]It’s more for the inventions thread, but there’s a crowd in the states that take ideas off people, design the product etc and take it to market for you, you just have to come up with the bare idea and they give you 10% of the profits on it. One lad made a couple of mil off his idea. They get a few thousand submissions a week though and only pick a couple. Nice lazy mans way of getting the product to market with no capital outlay.

Its seems to be mainly kitchen utensils and shit like that though nothing overly complicated[/quote]

what product made the guy a couple of mill?

[quote=“Julio Geordio, post: 814115, member: 332”]It’s more for the inventions thread, but there’s a crowd in the states that take ideas off people, design the product etc and take it to market for you, you just have to come up with the bare idea and they give you 10% of the profits on it. One lad made a couple of mil off his idea. They get a few thousand submissions a week though and only pick a couple. Nice lazy mans way of getting the product to market with no capital outlay.

Its seems to be mainly kitchen utensils and shit like that though nothing overly complicated[/quote]

I’ll bombard them with all my ideas of eyewear for various animals. Ray-bans for donkeys etc. I’ll be a millionaire.

Apparently this is the best seller, but it would seem I slightly exaggerated, he has made around $300,000. I only half caught the interview with the CEO so he obviously said something like our inventors have made millions between them, rather than each.

You would make more money robbing the bikes.

What kind of bike did you get?

I’m about to purchase a trek 1.5…


The buildings might be empty but how are you going to get use of them? city centre rents aren’t really notoriously cheap. this would be a great idea if you owned an empty building or vacant lot or something. like across from teh icon in limerick

I’d love to sell a polish coated packet of baby wipes out of the packet that dries instantly. That squeezy bottle punch shit is gank and messy.

[quote=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 814277, member: 686”]I’m about to purchase a trek 1.5…


Yeah it’s a good brand.

Absolutely love it. Trying to sell my old Olmo on Adverts at the moment but the cheap bastards there aren’t offering me enough to make it worth my while.

I have no idea how much rents are but I would hope it would be possible to find a couple of cheap places. All these layabout artists who have taken over spaces in the city centre would give me hope. Also, I have a rich uncle who’s a City Councillor. He draws a lot of water in this town.

As I say, if it’s viable in fucking Utrecht, surely it’s viable in Dublin…none of you seem too convinced, mind, so maybe it’s back to the drawing board time.