The Business Ideas thread

[quote=“Thrawneen, post: 814406, member: 129”]I have no idea how much rents are but I would hope it would be possible to find a couple of cheap places. All these layabout artists who have taken over spaces in the city centre would give me hope. Also, I have a rich uncle who’s a City Councillor. He draws a lot of water in this town.

As I say, if it’s viable in fucking Utrecht, surely it’s viable in Dublin…none of you seem too convinced, mind, so maybe it’s back to the drawing board time.[/quote]

Don’t give up yet, pal. At least walk around town counting the parked bikes before making any firm decisions, like you said you would.

[quote=“Thrawneen, post: 814406, member: 129”]

As I say, if it’s viable in fucking Utrecht, surely it’s viable in Dublin…none of you seem too convinced, mind, so maybe it’s back to the drawing board time.[/quote]

I’m most definitely not convinced. The idea itself is good, but not sure if you could turn enough coin to make it viable.

If Dublin toerags can turn a tidy profit minding parked cars on All Ireland day, I’m sure that Thrawneen has enough about him to make this work. Full steam ahead Thraw.

[quote=“Thrawneen, post: 814405, member: 129”]

Absolutely love it. Trying to sell my old Olmo on Adverts at the moment but the cheap bastards there aren’t offering me enough to make it worth my while.[/quote]

Nice one.

Two ideas tonight.

  1. A privately owned reservoir, selling water to the network. This will happen.
  2. A chain of Mexican restaurants called Eric Cantina.

After seeing some of the posts on Broadsheet in the last couple of days, I’m even more convinced of my bike park idea. I think DCC would even pay me to run it. And fly Kev home on my recommendation to act as a heavy.

I will be importing chicken salt from Australia to Oireland

How do I go about getting a supplier?…n-salt/3825655

[quote=“The Wild Colonial Bhoy, post: 853844, member: 80”]I will be importing chicken salt from Australia to Oireland

How do I go about getting a supplier?…n-salt/3825655[/quote]
Send someone over to Oz to find you a supplier?

[quote=“The Wild Colonial Bhoy, post: 853844, member: 80”]I will be importing chicken salt from Australia to Oireland

How do I go about getting a supplier?…n-salt/3825655[/quote]
Do you know anyone in Australia?

franchises available now

Anti Arson Letterbox - Internally Mounted

The internal Anti Arson mailbox range products, fit over the letter box slot on the inside of your street door and are designed to collect all mail and other materials deposited through your letter box.

[]Stops unauthorised tampering with your mail
]Protects against arson attack through your letter box
[*]Retains petrol, urine or other anti-social items inserted through your letterbox

Choice of units with single or dual ALF anti arson fire extinguishant tube fitted.

Can one of you bright sparks invent me a soother that will actually stay in a babies mouth…

Thanks in advance.

[quote=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 900606, member: 686”]Can one of you bright sparks invent me a soother that will actually stay in a babies mouth…

Thanks in advance.[/quote]

Doping Weekly/Fortnightly/Monthly

Catchier name to be used. Every sport necessary covered. Would there be a market?

[QUOTE=“Thrawneen, post: 1093898, member: 129”]Doping Weekly/Fortnightly/Monthly

Catchier name to be used. Every sport necessary covered. Would there be a market?[/QUOTE]

A printed magazine? Probably not.
Would work much better as a blog type site.

[QUOTE=“Thrawneen, post: 1093898, member: 129”]Doping Weekly/Fortnightly/Monthly

Catchier name to be used. Every sport necessary covered. Would there be a market?[/QUOTE]
Catcher in the Whey

[QUOTE=“Thrawneen, post: 1093898, member: 129”]Doping Weekly/Fortnightly/Monthly

Catchier name to be used.[/QUOTE]
how about calling it the PEDestal ?..

[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 1093910, member: 1786”]A printed magazine? Probably not.
Would work much better as a blog type site.[/QUOTE]

Could you pay the bills from a blog type site? PK likes it but is wondering that.

vlogging is the way to go to make money

the Richard herring site - is good idea about just writing every day to practise writing and see where it takes you in terms of ideas - under the “warming up” heading

[QUOTE=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 1093918, member: 2272”]vlogging is the way to go to make money

the Richard herring site - is good idea about just writing every day to practise writing and see where it takes you in terms of ideas - under the “warming up” heading[/QUOTE]

all these guys seem to be an expert in something before they start blogging ,no? there many who just write until something lands?..

some do but some people just blog about their lives and people take to it but to be successful you have to really work at the profile and self publicity as otherwise nobody will ever find their way to it so you have to follow lots of people, like their stuff, hope for follows back

if you are funny and work at it then people like the lad who is “sixth form poet” on twitter seemed to have done quite well from his twitter account as did Very British Problems

based on youtube and instagram - fitness and make up tips are the way to go to make money - if you are 18-20 and under you don’t search on google you search on youtube apparently

I think if you want to be a write you have to just start writing, work on the self publicity part and hope somebody notices, likes it, you can also self publish books very easily but as a money making venture the odds are stacked against you so you have to do it as a vocation and if money comes in then that is a bonus but most likely it won’t - you will have created something you can be proud of and there is always that chance of it catching mainstream

@Thrawneen - you should just set up a website, start writing and see where it goes and what direction you end up wanting to go with it, write every day for 2 months on anything and then see where it has taken you