The Business Ideas thread

You’d wonder how some people at airports manage to dress themselves tbh.

It’s the look of surprise when they reach the scanners that always amuses me.

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Fire on the cheque there

Would you ever fuck off to ?


The amazement when their bag gets taken out for searching because it’s got a bottle of water in it.

They all manage to get through in the end. Some of ye could do with giving yourselves a bit more time in the airport, relax a bit and not be worrying about other people.


My missus, literally, goes mental when some auld wan isn’t 100% ready to go when her turn comes to meet the scanner. We’re usually half way across the Atlantic by the time she has calmed down

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I’d also add that security staff could do with taking someone forgetting that they had a belt on a little less personally.

I agree with @Fagan_ODowd, the man has wisdom. This stuff irritated me in the past, but it’s hardly that big a deal. Mild frustration is grand but people going apoplectic in these situations are stranger than the harmless old dears. You might need to buy your other half a voucher for anger management classes for Christmas. Same principle applies to folks losing the head when they’re behind a learner driver going slowly or something. Relax to fuck like.


Or slip a shot of whiskey into her cereal before departing for the airport

On a related topic, its always fun to see the reactions of busy business men when you bring the kids through the fast track queue.

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Another humblebrag from @Mac about his wealth and jet setting lifestyle


It’s grand for retirees like you

So predictable

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“in the venn diagram of successful businessman & dad of the years i am one of the few people that is in the intersection”

yes @Mac , thanks for telling us yet again


Sure what’s the point of being at the top if you can’t talk about it?


Repetition doesn’t spoil the prayer


Time is money.

You and fagan are merely reflecting your inner angst and compensating. Mine was merely an observation. Airport and airport transits are generally horrific. Worse again when it’s Manchester. The less time spent cheek by jowl with the denizens of T1 or T3 the better.

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