The Business Ideas thread

Evil personified.

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The match attax for soccer are still massive thing with kids

Massive online trading in the cards now via forums

There was one around 2006 iirc by the star news paper. All inter County teams with both hurlers and footballers


It was kellogs

Its been tried in various formats over the years but the market is just too small.

That’s a pity.


I have the 94/95 and 96/97 sticker books for the premier league full at home somewhere. I took a year to find myself in between


Would they be worth anything?

I had the mother’s heart broke with would cup 90 but fuck me the binders and the extra inserts was off the chain. Proper footix material


I dunno. They wouldn’t be worth what it cost to fill em anyway I’d say. I’ve a load of call cards too. They were supposed to be worth money when I was collecting them, but they are worthless apparently

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I think I vaguely remember having some 1994 GAA All Star sticker album or something like that.

New additions to the service after today’s run

  1. getting a sheep out of a fence it’s stuck in
  2. intermediate level navigation in fog and mist
  3. providing entertainment and/or eye candy for middle aged female hikers by jumping in the river at the end. 10 of them decided to spend five minutes standing on the bridge eyeing us up.
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I’ve one lying around the home place somewhere. Father was broke buying sticker packs :see_no_evil:

Roscommon flags are all the rage at the moment. The next thing will be hanging them from Eircom poles the length and breadth of the country like the days of the black flags in the 80’s.

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More like the blue and yellow fertiliser bags on telephone poles so beloved of the banjo players in the 90s

Ah here, the championship is 6-8 weeks away yet.

A travel ethics course. For people when travelling abroad.

Course will consist of

  1. How to behave in an airport
  2. How to check in online
  3. How to pack your bag and drop it at the desk in an efficient manner (if applicable)
  4. How to get through security. Being prepared and getting coats/belts off, laptops out, liquids on top the bag, loading items into trays, walking through the metal detector when signalled
  5. How to queue
  6. Where is appropriate to stop (dont stop suddenly in corridors for no fucking reason)
  7. How to board at gate
  8. How to embark on planes (no difference between top of queue and back tbf)
  9. How to enter a plane and store luggage
  10. How not be a cunt to other passengers on the plane (not sitting in a seat not allocated to you as you want the aisle seat or moving you seat back without asking)
  11. Being polite to all airport and airline staff
  12. Disembarking the plane
  13. Being prepared for passport control
  14. Not overcrowding the baggage reclaim if your bag is not on the belt.

The tfk airport expert @Batigol will be drafted in as head of operations and training.

Target the Dep of forgien affairs to ensure that all irish passport renewals are required to undgergo this intensive training before issuing of passports. Try and get ryanair to sponser it to help turnaround times.

Intial rollout will follow the vaccine rollout protocols targeting the older age cohorts.

By christ you experience some ignorance during air travel. Particularly from auld bats.

Long term planning is to roll out across sectors of society on not being ignorant cunts, particularly people who never worked in a service industry

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You must have had a bad experience recently