The Business Ideas thread

It wouldn’t be a full time gig anyways unless it was fairly regularly updated and was getting high traffic numbers everyday. What you make off the advertising all comes down to pageviews and the click through rate for the adverts, unless you manage to get a sponsor or advertiser on board who will pay you a flat rate regardless (unlikely).

The majority of money from successful bloggers income is in affiliate marketing.
Most successful bloggers smartly refer to products within their content and get paid when someone buys.
Not that easy in your niche but books are a big one… amazon have a decent affiliate system so for example if you recommend PK book and someone buys it though your link you can get up to 20% of the price.

[QUOTE=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 1093922, member: 2272”]some do but some people just blog about their lives and people take to it but to be successful you have to really work at the profile and self publicity as otherwise nobody will ever find their way to it so you have to follow lots of people, like their stuff, hope for follows back

if you are funny and work at it then people like the lad who is “sixth form poet” on twitter seemed to have done quite well from his twitter account as did Very British Problems

based on youtube and instagram - fitness and make up tips are the way to go to make money - if you are 18-20 and under you don’t search on google you search on youtube apparently

I think if you want to be a write you have to just start writing, work on the self publicity part and hope somebody notices, likes it, you can also self publish books very easily but as a money making venture the odds are stacked against you so you have to do it as a vocation and if money comes in then that is a bonus but most likely it won’t - you will have created something you can be proud of and there is always that chance of it catching mainstream

@Thrawneen - you should just set up a website, start writing and see where it goes and what direction you end up wanting to go with it, write every day for 2 months on anything and then see where it has taken you[/QUOTE]

yeah I’d imagine the easy money making blogs are well and truly gone…i read one about a guy who made a fortune proof reading documents …in the end he just subcontracted it to loads of other people and sat back making a fortune…I think things like a fashion blog could have a lot of potential lot for growth (if of course you knew a bit about it)…mens cosmetics must be one of the fastest growing industries in the world…recreational ones - when you see how popular things like online poker is, I’d say a lot of people would be interested in following someone who plays hands on a daily basis and documents outcomes, mistakes made etc… personally I hate cards but poker seems to be drawing so many people in…

Pat Flynn is the king of this stuff (Look up Smart Passive Income).
Makes 60K a month with a mix of blogs, podcasting and affiliate marketing.

[QUOTE=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 1093933, member: 686”]Pat Flynn is the king of this stuff (Look up Smart Passive Income).
Makes 60K a month with a mix of blogs, podcasting and affiliate marketing.[/QUOTE]

I read a bit of his before and he’s obviously a bit of a genius…if i recall he had companies paying him to test software at one stage …he’s not your average joe soap…

the guy who does 4 hour week seems to have got to a stage where he basically interviews people at the top of their chosen field and then throws up the podcast… serious interesting information on that over a whole range of topics…from meditation to techniques for learning languages to learning how to read faster…again he is a very smart guy who seems to be able to turn his hand to anything…

I’d say the poker niche has been bled dry at this stage. You really need to be ahead of the curve when it comes to trends and gain your Google rankings organically or else be prepared to invest in Google Adwords campaign, but as the search terms for that niche become more popular you’ll have to pay more for your adverts. You could do alright from it in a country where the cost of living is low.

I mentioned him in the podcast thread yesterday… Tim Ferriss. Another guy in the Pat Flynn class… not your average Joe Soap.

Claims to have learned to play hurling in Ireland too at one point and lined out competitively, no idea who he played with?

[QUOTE=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 1093948, member: 686”]I mentioned him in the podcast thread yesterday… Tim Ferriss. Another guy in the Pat Flynn class… not your average Joe Soap.

Claims to have learned to play hurling in Ireland too at one point and lined out competitively, no idea who he played with?[/QUOTE]

On the Limerick panel this year I think.

[QUOTE=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 1093948, member: 686”]I mentioned him in the podcast thread yesterday… Tim Ferriss. Another guy in the Pat Flynn class… not your average Joe Soap.

Claims to have learned to play hurling in Ireland too at one point and lined out competitively, no idea who he played with?[/QUOTE]

that guy seems to have done everything … he seems to attribute a lot of it to mastering the art learning…i saw him talking about increasing how many sentences you can read in a certain time…i didn’t think it was possible to read that quick while also processing it…but his blog has got to such a level and he’s got such a name that he’s basically interviewing the best of the best in their chosen field…

He had Arnie on last month… great interview.

did you see the one about increasing the speed of your reading?.. don’t know how anyone could get to that speed and actually process what they read…

350 words a minute is easy enough using this

[QUOTE=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 1093964, member: 2272”]

350 words a minute is easy enough using this[/QUOTE]

that’s fuckin class…:clap:

No, never heard that one.
I have read the 4 hour work week and to be fair it was revolutionary stuff for 2007 and he was way ahead of his time.

brilliant alright

500 words per minute is doable for news stuff

[QUOTE=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 1093977, member: 2272”]brilliant alright

500 words per minute is doable for news stuff[/QUOTE]

but do you really think it sinks in long term?..

[QUOTE=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 1093964, member: 2272”]

350 words a minute is easy enough using this[/QUOTE]


[QUOTE=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 1093975, member: 686”]No, never heard that one.
I have read the 4 hour work week and to be fair it was revolutionary stuff for 2007 and he was way ahead of his time.[/QUOTE]

wasn’t he big into meditation or some form of martial arts that relied heavily on meditation ?..

All these guys have meditation as part of their morning ritual.