The Cancer Thread

Ah ffs, may he rip. Thinking of ya​:heartpulse::heartpulse:


Jesus thats awful news. A sound guy from what he posted on here. I’d small interactions on pm as he was in the same profession as myself, a couple of years behind you @fran where you studied. 38 is no age at all. Condolences to you @Achtungbaby and all his family.


Good of you to let us know @Achtungbaby. There’s no words for that. I’m sorry for the loss of your friend.

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Terrible news. My condolences to all.

@fistoffury was an excellent poster and obviously an excellent bloke as well.

May he rest in peace.

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I was thinking that. Had he recently moved home from England?

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Ah fuck that’s desperate. May he RIP.

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Rest in peace @fistoffury , and we can only offer our deepest condolences to his family and to yourself @Achtungbaby .

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Thank you for posting that. RIP, I’m very sorry for your troubles.

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Ah fuck, really sorry to hear that. Condolences

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RIP @fistoffury, awful news bed of heaven to him.


What a fucking shit startto the year. Sympathies to you @Achtungbaby and to fist’s family.

Fist was a decent sort and will be missed even if he turned down my fantasy trades


Desperate stuff, puts things in perspective. R.I.P.


RIP @fistoffury. Lovely tribute @Achtungbaby and condolences to you . 38 is no age to go


Awful news. Sorry to hear it and sorry for your loss @Achtungbaby

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Condolences @Achtungbaby. May @fistoffury rest in peace.

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RIP @fistoffury and very sorry for your loss @Achtungbaby. From what I saw of him on here, you lost a very good friend. First post I saw when I clicked on his profile was him signing into Daddy thread in Mar 20. Absolutely heartbreaking.


Oh Jesus no. I’m so sorry to hear this @Achtungbaby. RIP @fistoffury

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His poor family. :cry:


This is heart breaking. @fistoffury was nothing but a gentleman on here unlike most of you cunts so I have no doubt he was the same in real life. From the sounds of what’s been said here he had a very similar family dynamic at home as me which has made it all the more shocking for me anyway. Another reminder as if we need it of how shit and fleeting life can be. There are no words really to justify something like this. May he rest in peace and sorry for your loss @Achtungbaby and of course his poor family left behind so prematurely.


That is desperately unhappy news.
I am sorry for your loss @Achtungbaby and deeply sorry for his family.