The Cancer Thread

Jesus ah no

Ah fuck ā€¦ Christ no.

Thatā€™s awful news.

Itā€™s so fucking sad.

RIP @Faldo , a great poster, a sound man.

Fist and Faldo in the space of s few months. Itā€™s fucked.

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Ah fuck me. Thatā€™s awful. I donā€™t know what to say. RIP.

Thatā€™s heartbreaking. RIP

Ah shite. Fucks sake, a gentleman RIP bud


Awful, terrible news.

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RIP Faldo

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Terrible news. RIP @Faldo

Ah jesus, Iā€™m shook after that. RIP faldo. May your family find the strength to move forward. Rest easy.


Fuck it. Terrible news. Brutal. RIP @Faldo

Heā€™d had a few rough weeks lately but thatā€™s still sudden.


Thatā€™s awful. Terrible. So sad.

May he RIP.

Life is unbearably fickle sometimes


Lads are ye sure he was chatting to me yesterday ?

Two days ago now that I look. Jesus surely not?

Iā€™m gutted to hear this. R.I.P.

Jesus I just got the word.

Rip Faldo. A thorough gent.