The Cancer Thread

When you log on and see a hundred odd unread posts on this thread you just know itā€™s bad news.

A bed in heaven to him. A gentleman who, despite his own health troubles, took the time to message me during my late fatherā€™s recent illness.

May he rest in peace and may his family find comfort.


Thereā€™s very little to add to what a group, made up broadly of strangers with a few close friends thrown in, have said about the man over the past few hours. Your words have described him beautifully, but for what itā€™s worth, Iā€™d like to add a few more.

He doted on his girls. His patience and love for them were exemplars. Then again, he could turn his hand to anything ā€“ fatherhood, sport, teaching, carpentry, gardening. He was one of those guys that just got on with people, and he navigated the madness of the past two years with aplomb. He didnā€™t get too bent out of shape or ensconced in arguments on here, which is not an easy skill to master. I wouldnā€™t be a religious man by any stretch, but to me, he epitomised the allegory of the carpenter and his tools; the tools bickering over which was the best, when the carpenter walked in, put on his tool belt and proceeded to make an exquisite door. ā€œI couldnā€™t have done it without each one of my tools.ā€

He made no secret on here of his adoption. Your initial reaction might be one of sympathy for someone that went through what he did. He had such a positive outlook on life that, to him, it meant he had two families he was part of instead of one. Well, those two families are sadly coming to terms with a huge loss. Itā€™s heartbreaking.

For those on here that knew him personally, and for those that only knew him through TFK, I am truly sorry for our collective loss. He was one of a kind, and I hope heā€™s kicking points for fun in the great beyond.

Pomp and great friends may hem thee round,
A thousand busy tasks be found;
Earthā€™s thronging beauties may beguile
Thy longing lovesick heart awhile;
And pride, like clouds of sunset, spread
A changing glory round thy head;
But fade will all; and thou must come,
Hating thy journey, homeless, home.


lovely words

Hope you are ok


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. I didnā€™t know him nor the sky over him, but I felt a genuine sadness last night and this morning with the news. I didnā€™t even have much interaction with him here, but what I saw he seemed a lovely fella, as you say operating above the noise.
If there is anything tfk can do. A few quid for the family or something, however meaningless in the overall scheme of things. Please let us know.


Wonderful words.

Sorry for your loss.

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Very hard to come up with words thatā€™ll do Faldo justice but I think youā€™ve just done it @ironmoth

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Sorry for your loss @ironmoth. I never recall reading about this part of his life. If someone knows where he talked about it please tag me in the thread. Iā€™d love to give it a read

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Only seeing the news now. Awful. I knew he was ill but didnā€™t realise how far down the road he was. Not that he would make a big deal of it. A big Galway football and Everton man.

RIP Faldo.

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Very sad news
He always came across as one of lifeā€™s good people
May he rest in peace


Beautifully put. Gives a proper sense of the gent he was. Sorry for your loss

Lovely tribute

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Just dropped in to get the TFK view on the superbowl. Shocked to read about @fistoffury and @Faldo. Desperately sad. RIP.



That is cruel.

Cancer is a bastard of a thing. There really is nothing else you can say.


Manā€™s biggest foe.

A friend of my sister is going through it at the moment and itā€™s not looking good. Only 36 and looked after herself in terms of diet etc.

Apparently recently she said ā€˜I donā€™t know when I last didnā€™t have painā€™.

Just awful.


Not much you can say to this news. Awful for his family.


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Awful stuff lads, Seemed like a very nice guy in the golf thread. The discussion forum characters/members passing away is surely deserving of some sociological study. Really starting to notice it these days.

Wishing strength to his wife and kids. RIP.

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Iā€™m welling up mate. Iā€™ve to be honest.

Beautiful piece.

Thatā€™s a smashing post @ironmoth


Belter of a post @ironmoth. Beautifully put and covered the bases. Mind yourself.