The Cancer Thread

Poor auld @Faldo,I feel so sorry for his family heā€™ll be a huge loss to them no doubt.

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If ever there was a case of a face behind the name.

RIP to Frank.

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Thanks for sharing.

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Nothing I can add. Hopefully his family and friends can find the strength to get through.

Itā€™s a little unnerving, but beautiful in a way to put a face to a lad who came across as an absolute gentleman here.

Rest well @Faldo.


Jesus those feet, class. Love the way he walks back nonchalantly after absolutely smashing it. Thanks for sharing @Lazarus


What a player! Some feet and what a strike

Its like his posting style. He didnā€™t really give a shit. Everyone respected it. And he never made any airs or graces about it


He must have been a seriously handy golfer ? He was judge of it anyway.

Ah Jesus Christ lads, Iā€™m not right after hearing this. Fair play @Ironmoth and @Lazarus - lovely tributes from both of you.

Rest in Peace @Faldo, my fellow Galwegian and Evertonian and Rest in Peace @fistoffury, two good men gone too soon. My sincere sympathies to their families and friends.


Good to hear from you Jimmy, even if itā€™s under desperate circumstances.

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Thanks Harry, awful circumstances. Lovely watching those clips above, heā€™d have given his Idol Kevin Sheedy a run for his money with some of those free kicks.


Alright Jim pal. Hope all is good.

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All good CM, hope all well with you pal.

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Some lovely comments by Faldoā€™s friends on here. What a very sad time for his young family but by the comments on here they will have memories of a very, very special man. RIP.

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Thatā€™s quality @Lazarus thanks for sharing

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Awh ffs. Thats horrific. Fuck it

Thanks for that @Lazarus . Pure welly from the man, no messing around. I donā€™t think there would be many of us as humble if we scored one of those. Great memories to have.


Only reading about this now, tears are flowing after watching the videos. Didnā€™t know the man myself condolences to all on here that were lucky enough to, and of course his family. Rest In Peace


I was very sorry to hear about @Faldo passing.

Heartbreaking for those who knew and loved Frank. They have a tough road ahead of them. For us who ā€œknewā€ Faldo, life will carry on regardless.

Life is short lads. Frankā€™s was shorter than it should be. Put the phones down and get out and live life.

You hardly want your obituary to be ā€œhe was a sound lad on TFKā€ (No offence @Rocko).

Rest in peace Frank.


Superb clips. Lovely, languid style and a real touch of flair. :clap: