The Cancer Thread

I donā€™t post here much. Some of the threads I never go near so I often donā€™t know whoā€™s who and where in Ireland theyā€™re from. So a random ladā€™s death on this forum at an early age shouldnā€™t matter so much to me.
But I happen to know a guy from Kilkerrin Clonberne in ā€œreal lifeā€ who knew faldo or Frank and I obviously only put the pieces together yesterday.
Apparently, and I know itā€™s been said here, he was one of lifeā€™s really good guys. The whole community is shocked and upset at the news.
I wish his young family well and hope they can eventually find the strength to heal.


That is the first time Iā€™ve ever seen anyone from TFK in the flesh. All a bit too much.

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I seen a picture of @Flano once and Iā€™m not the better of it since.The biggest shock I got was it was exactly as I imagined him to look in real life.


I looked in over a lads shoulder as he was posting to TFK on his phone once upon a time as figured out who he was.


Were you queuing for the Annual Ann Summers sale by any chance?

Is that the place that sells the sexy knickersses?

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Probably @TheUlteriorMotive so

I believe itā€™s the largest lingerie department in Ireland.


Without revealing the poster suffice to say he purchased an ethically sourced, zero waste collection ,biodegradable hemp thong ā€¦


@iron_mike then.


Aye. I needed something to tie up the exhaust in the white van.

A friend from home passed away today, she was only 42.

Weā€™d drifted out of contact in recent years, a combination of life moving in different directions and distances. Iā€™d heard she was sick around a year ago and sent a few msgs but hadnā€™t seen her since Dadā€™s funeral three years ago. She was in good health and form at that stage.

Got the phone call out of the blue yesterday to hear she only had hours and that was followed by phone calls between the gang of us that spent our late teens and 20s in the local disco every Saturday night we were around home. Sheā€™d even gone out with two of the lads for a while.

It shook the life out of me earlier and is probably the kick up the arse to make more of an effort to check in on people and meet up more frequently that was needed. Sheā€™s left no kids behind her but her family are tight-knit and will be rocked by it all unsurprisingly.

Typically a group of us have said weā€™ll get out for a catch up at Easter after chatting in shock today and yesterday. I wish weā€™d have had the cop on to do it sooner.


Very sad news. Sorry for your loss.

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Sorry to hear this

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Tough time for you all. Condolences.

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Sorry for your loss @croppy_boy , sad news.

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Sorry for you loss @croppy_boy

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Life can be shite at times

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Also very sorry to hear this. A truly horrible horrible disease.

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Sorry to hear this @croppy_boy . RIP.

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