The Cancer Thread

Sorry for your loss - 42 is no age

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Thats terrible news. RIP

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Sorry to hear that mate. Excellent point about keeping in touch.

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Who is he? Very sad but in a weird way there’s something comforting and dignified in the way he’s saying goodbye


A well known horse tipster on twitter - he’s really suffered in last few weeks


Ive seen his tweets pop up on my feed. Very sad story. Am I right in saying he only got diagnosed last year?

It wasn’t too long ago anyway. Always seemed a nice man.

July 21 by his twitter bio

Wife of an old friend passed today in Marymount, a beautiful girl, barely 40, two small kids
Life can be cruel


Christ. Was it always this way, or does online media /platforms allow you to just hear more about young people dying from cancer?

Was wondering the same … every day you hear of someone else … maybe it’s just age we’re at

Jesus im sorry to hear that.

Lad from our club diagnosed with leukemia… 35… Straight into chemo… He was feeling tired after covid.

Then boom hit this this diagnosis about a week ago.

Crazy stuff.


It’s hard to know what to say about the bug anymore.

Just awful.

We’re getting older so are more surrounded by it in our age group


I am very sorry to hear @croppy_boy , RIP, it is never easy to see this thread have posts to be read.

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Yep. Sometimes i wish i was more like @Horsebox and just ignored it completely.

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