The Cancer Thread

Are they anywhere near finding a cure for cancer? Or is there just never going to be a cure

Doesnā€™t make sense financially to find a cure. It is a multi billion dollar industry.

From what Iā€™ve seen they seem to be able to manage it and delay the spread more than anything. The 'oul lad was told he would inly have had one year but a new experimental drug gave him almost four years.


My great friend Naomi of swimming and running groups, her brother played tennis for wales. Was perfectly well. Died 24 hours later of leukaemia. Sheā€™ll never really get over it. It happened a decade ago and she only told me last year, and was crying when she said it. Makes me want to cry now.


Iā€™ve a friend who is an oncologist. He says ā€œitā€™s my job to try and make sure you die of something elseā€


Heā€™s murdering them?


Poisoning certainly

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He passed away earlier this evening. Awful stuff. The poor kids.


Whatā€™s the significance of the betting slips in that tweet?

That race was named in his honour.

Poor lad didnā€™t even get to see it



Just like Faldo I didnā€™t know him personally but itā€™s really shook me.


There seems to have been a lot of cases with young people recently. It would shake you alright.

My aul lad near the end. Weā€™ve been nursing him at home the last month. Tough going but had some great chats and laughs with him. Last few days have been grim. Not really conscious and when he is he is agitated and confused. Lots of support from the hospice and irish cancer society. Its at the 'sooner the better stage now which is pretty shit whatever way you look at it.


Oh Jesus hate to see this thread donā€™t know what to say may the bed of heaven await him stay strong mate

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Best of luck. Tough times

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Ah Christ sorry to hear that.

Treasure those moments and chats, theyā€™re a great help in the aftermath and Iā€™m saying that sitting here with a whiskey thinking back on saying goodbye exactly three years ago today.

Itā€™s never easy but itā€™s great to have that time.


Shit binky. No words

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Not easy, not easy at all. I hope you all find peace soon.

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Tough station. Glad to hear you had the chats and laughs.

Look after yourself.

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Take care kid.

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