The Cancer Thread

He is a kilkenny hurling diehard and a republican diehard in equal measures. Iā€™d say I had my last conversation with him.about hurling on Monday. We talked about kk v Galway and the handshake. He said he would never forgive Shefflin. I said for going to Galway? He says ā€˜No! for pucking around in front of Prince Charles and Camilla! A performing seal for that big eared cuntā€™.


Close the eulogy with that and walk down the centre aisle of the Church out the door and into folklore.


Best wishes, pal. Very sorry to hear this news.

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Wishing you and your family all the best @binkybarnes , tough times.

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As long as his hands are warm keep holding them is my advice.

Thinking of you all.


Sorry to hear that tough times.

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Sorry to read this a chara. You know yourself thereā€™s never a good time and hopefully his passing is an easy one. Look after yourselves, thereā€™ll be laughs and tears but thatā€™s the nature of it.


Sorry to hear @binkybarnes. Thoughts with you in the coming days and weeks.

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Sorry to hear that @binkybarnes. A Kilkenny republican a rare breed.

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Ah lovely. Youā€™ll get mileage out of that one.

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Sorry to hear that @binkybarnes tough news

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Sorry to hear that binky, best of luck in the coming days/weeks with whatever they may hold.

I remember you recounting an unfortunate incident some years back of a relation up from south KK (my own constituency) who made a show of you and the father in a pub the day of an AI final after a troublesome bowel movement.

I still consider it my favourite ever TFK post.


Eulogy sorted.

I can hear the snorted laughter from the pews already. Youā€™ll be regaling that one for years to come :slightly_smiling_face:


I had the pleasure of meeting @binkybarnes auld lad a few times. Always seemed to be walking out after a game. A gent and a thorough judge of a hurling game.

His acerbic wit and turn of phrase could at an instant turn your humour from despair to hilarity.

A decent sort. You didnā€™t lick it off the ground. I hope the chats were good this past while and all are at ease at much as ye can. I actually thought of ye both last Saturday night and that ye enjoyed it.


That was my uncle and the ā€˜shit rollā€™. A turbo roaster.


Thanks to everyone for all the kind messages. I never thought iā€™d get such comfort and solace from my ā€˜imaginary friendsā€™ as mrs barnes calls ye cunts.


Iā€™m very sorry for your trouble binkybarnes. He reared a good lad.


I am really sorry to hear the news.

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Wishing you every strength to get through this very sad time @binkybarnes. May your father be comfortable as he takes his leave and his memory be a rich one for all who knew him especially yourself and family.


A hard station @binkybarnes. The end finds us all eventually. The dignity you afford him now will stand to you down the road. I spent my fatherā€™s last night alongside him, just the pair of us. The calm of that night finds me in times of need, the bond lives on.

Enjoy his presence if that makes sense, my thoughts are with you and yours.