The Cancer Thread

God bless ye all

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@binkybarnes :heart: :heart:

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Best wishes to you and your family @binkybarnes

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Best wishes @binkybarnes

Look after yourself

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Sorry to hear this @binkybarnes

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Good luck in the coming days @binkybarnes, it’s very tough when he’s unconscious all the time, I’m sure you had some good times in recent days though, I found that once the person has accepted their fate and has nothing left to say then the stories and the laughs flow, but now it’s just a waiting game, nice that ye have him at home, comfortable for all and no rushing around when the time comes.
Sounds like yell have a cracking life well lived to celebrate anyway.
Take care


Take care @binkybarnes, hope he passes well. It’ll be an honour for you and yours to be there when it happens. Up the Cats!

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That is tough going. Look after yourself @binkybarnes.

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Best wishes @binkybarnes

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Sorry to hear that @binkybarnes. A brilliant yarn to remember him by. Up the cats.

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Take care binky, all the best for you and your family.

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Sorry for you troubles mate

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Sorry to hear this @binkybarnes. I hope your Dad is some form of comfort and pray that he will pass peacefully when the time comes.



Hard going

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Hope he has no pain Binky. Sorry for your troubles. I knew you were good hurling stock!

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Just seeing this now @binkybarnes .

My best wishes to you and your family for the days ahead. I went through it all in similar circumstances in February.

He knows you’re there, trust me.


Sorry to hear this Binky - my own father finally passed away six years back after 3 weeks of hanging on in James Connolly. At the time it seemed awful with trying to maintain a routine for the kids, attend to everyday matters and be with him as much as possible in those last days.

However, looking back I’ve hardly ever thought of those days subsequently - memories of all the positive things he did for, and with, us as a family always to the fore. May it be similar for you and yours.


Thoughts are with you all today binkybarnes.
It’s very tough going but hopefully you’ll gain comfort when you can look back on these days you have spent with your dad.

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Thanks pal and sorry for your loss.

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