The Cancer Thread

Sorry to hear this @binkybarnes, a brilliant character by the sound of it.

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Lads, donā€™t be waiting around for life to be fair because it just isnā€™t.

A few months ago my missusā€™s mother got diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. My missus, being the unreal human that she is, immediately moved home to look after her. She tended to her every single day, forgoing just about everything else in her life.

Anyway, this weekend, my missus decided to head to rock werchter in Belgium. It was literally her first trip anywhere in months and sheā€™s had it booked since the Covid nazis were in charge in 2020.

Well, today, while she was away, her mother passed away. My missus, who upended her life, cost herself thousands and dedicated her life to her mother, has now missed saying goodbye to her Mam.

Iā€™ve honestly never been so upset.


Jesus, sorry to hear that @Batigol

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Thatā€™s very sad, thereā€™s no words really.
Look after her now

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Christ thatā€™s cruel. Take care of her chief

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No words here. Im sorry kid

Very sorry to read that @Batigol

Christ almighty. Awful. Condolences to ye all.

Sorry to hear that mate thatā€™s rotten bad fortune but she can hold her head high


Very sprry for your loss @Batigol

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Iā€™m very sorry for your loss Batigol.

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A rotten twist of fate but such is life. Itā€™s terribly upsetting for your partner but she has nothing to beat herself up about. Take care of each other is the only words of comfort I have to offer, you have both made sacrifices above and beyond the normal call of duty. Condolences on your shared loss.


Awful news pal. She did everything she could, unfortunate the overall circumstances. No matter what sheā€™ll always have the memories and she did everything she could to help. Im sure youā€™ll be a rock for her and all of here to help you when it becomes tough for you too. RIP

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So sorry to hear this pal. Comfort your Mrs in whatever way you can. She sounds like a good one.


Ah jaysus lad thatā€™s terrible but she wasnā€™t to know.Tell her not to be too hard on herself she done everything she could by the sounds of it.

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She could not have done more for her mother, a Saint of a woman. Hopefully sheā€™ll realise that in time.

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Sorry to hear that mate. Not sure what to say. Iā€™ll defer to what @anon67715551 has said as heā€™s the wisest of us all in these matters

Take care of her. Her mother knew she loved her.


You wonā€™t get a nicer person than Mrs @Batigol, or Mr @Batigol for that matter. I hate misfortune happening on anyone, but especially those I love. Words, bleh. Ar dheis DĆ© go raibh a anam dĆ­lis.


Look after and support her cherish the memories it eases as time passes no consolation now but it will in time

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Sorry @Batigol, may she rest in peace.

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