The Cancer Thread

Awful to see this thread bumped, take care @Watchyourtoes and keep strong for your Dad.

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Iā€™m really sorry to hear that.

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Thanks for the messages fellas much appreciated.


Je suis watchyourtoes ā€¦

A stones of a thread. A stones of a disease.

Take care kid.


Thereā€™s something very melancholic about that.

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Very sorry to hear of your fathers diagnosis @Watchyourtoes . Mind yourself and stay strong

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Sorry to hear that, God bless ye

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Sorry to hear that horrible news about your Dad mate. I pray that you and your family can make the most of the remainder of his time with ye and that his suffering may be eased somehow going forward

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Ah fuck it anyway.

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Best wishes @Watchyourtoes
Make the most of it, chat, reminisce, write it down or record him if he permits, itā€™s a lovely thing to have and heā€™ll never have spoken so openly,
In some ways the worst is behind you or youā€™re living it today, acceptance follows


Sorry to hear that bud, best wishes to you and all the family. There is never a good time to get news like that, but Christmas time definitely makes it worse. the only thing is that hopefully it gives ye all a good chance over the holidays to spend quality time together.

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I donā€™t have anything to add but you clearly have a great relationship with him, which is a great thing. Makes it much harder on you. Youā€™ll grit your teeth and carry on, like heā€™s reared you. Iā€™m really sorry.


Tis never good news to see this thread bumped.

Iā€™m very sorry to hear your news @Watchyourtoes. May strength be upon you and yours.

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Best wishes to you and your family @Watchyourtoes.


Thatā€™s terrible news @Watchyourtoes. Mind yourself.

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Sorry to hear this WYT

Mind yourself and make the most of the time ahead.

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Very sorry to hear that - make the most of every minute ye have

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@Watchyourtoes sorry to hear that news, a tough one to come to terms with. And you will come to terms with it, in your own time, in your own way. You canā€™t rush that, donā€™t try.

Iā€™d echo @Lockeā€™s sentiments above. I sat down with the ould lad in not dissimilar circumstances and recorded him talking about his life, from his youth right through. After the initial awkwardness it turned into a first hand account of the life of the man his grandchildren wouldnā€™t get to know otherwise. Well worth it.

Mind yourself.


I intimated it but yeah, Iā€™m doing it at the moment with my Dad. Important that we as a family have his wisdom, his thoughts, his voice down on paper so to say. And heā€™s happy to do so.


Well worth it. Them boys lived.