The Cancer Thread

Condolences @backinatracksuit may she rest in peace.

Sorry for your loss dude.

Sorry to hear your bad news @backinatracksuit. May she rest in peace. My aunt works in Mary Mount. Nurses who are drawn to palliative care are all alike. Remarkable people

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Sorry for your loss, biat.

Condolences to you and yours @backinatracksuit always hate seeing this thread bumped

Very sorry for your trouble. The Hospice is a great cause.

Sorry for the loss buddy.

Sorry for your loss boy,yep Marymount and co are angels,bro passed away 2 yrs + back in there,vvv special care and love doled out continuously


What that can do now with pain management and palliative care is truly wonderful.

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So sorry to hear this BIAT. RIP.

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Condolences mate.

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So sorry to hear that @backinatracksuit , sounds you are being as positive as possible about the undoubtedly very difficult experience.

A young lad that I’d be friendly with, passed away in a hospice yesterday evening. Only 29.
Arrived home from New Zealand this time last year just for Christmas. Coughed up a small bit of blood a week before he was due to go back, got it checked and was diagnosed with advanced cancer of the oesophagus which started to spread. His own mam died from cancer during the year then too. He battled bravely but it was tough to see the deterioration in such a big strong young fella.


Tough one. Sorry to hear that.

Sympathies to @backinatracksuit. Lovely sentiments expressed above. She’ll have been very proud of you.

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Been a long few months for you and family… at least her suffering is over now. Mind yourself kid and Santi will keep you busy over the next few weeks at least.


I’d say it would scare you alright … RIP.

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That’s rough.

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That’s really tough, saw a couple of youngish lads with kids in Marymount, put us in the ha’penny place, my mam was 71 and the only regret was that she wouldn’t see the grandkids grow up,
We waked her in the house and two separate family members of patients from Marymount showed up, that was quite emotional to be honest that they’d take that time out with their own troubles in mind, I honestly can’t praise Marymount enough, what a place, I assume the other hospices around the country operate similarly, I’m really going to have to do something to raise money as a thank you, perhaps an ultra Marathon next year

Thanks for all the kind wishes fellas


Another legend gone.

Sorry to hear that @backinatracksuit, may she rest in peace


Sorry to hear that
Look after yourself