The Cancer Thread

There are no words of comfort at times like this. Take care of yourself @backinatracksuit, i’m sorry for your loss. May your Mum rest in peace.


The Tour de Munster do a separate fund raiser each year for MaryMount. It took place yesterday, 80km cycle. They raised over €20k for it, great cause


great idea

maybe a few of TFK’s can sign up


It was held yesterday and is an annual event but yeah, it’s an idea. Will have to see if they allow fixies though…


Sorry for your loss @backinatracksuit .

Very sorry to hear that mate

Sorry to hear about that @backinatracksuit

It must have been tough for you all to endure over the last few months and Im glad to see the end was peaceful for your mother.

I wish you and yours all the best over the Christmas period.


Sorry for your loss @backinatracksuit

I lost a parent to the bug as well, as I’m sure many else have. Horrible but it makes you stronger in the long run.

If you do an ultramarathon ill sponsor you mate

Very sorry for your loss fella. 71 is no age these days. When you lose someone you love it doesn’t matter what age they are. It can even heighten the since of loss because of all the memories. Take some time for yourself to deal with it, as often there can be a delayed reaction and you need to look after yourself in order to look after your family properly.


Really sorry to hear of your loss @backinatracksuit. May your Mum rest in peace.

Sorry for your loss @backinatracksuit

I was actually at this funeral and made the connection with your post. Your Mum was a lovely woman who was a smashing host and a great conversationalist anytime I met her. I hope you and all belonging to you can enjoy the upcoming Christmas in some way.


Lovely, your missus and my sister are pals?
Don’t tell her anymore about this place :grinning: I won’t say how she described it to me but it didn’t sound great :joy:
It was a daycent funeral if I do say so myself


My sympathies on your loss, sir. May she rest in peace.

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Condolences to you and the family.

That’s a tough one, 29 is shocking young. Esophageal cancer did my father. Its rare enough for it seemingly to strike younger people, usually 60’s/70’s. It’s usually very far advanced when symptoms manifest themselves.

He was a great fella. Gave me a right hiding one day (I deserved it) for being a cheeky bastard when I was 13 or 14. You’d always meet a few of his crew in town around Christmas out for pints. He’ll be a big loss to area. Just so shocking. One wonders with the cancer rate so high is it something we are eating. It’s can’t be just coincidence at this stage.

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Extremely rare. I’m over it now and I’m 50. With few exceptions, I was the youngest man at every clinic I attended during the course of my treatment.


I can only agree


Sounds about right :grinning: