The Cancer Thread

And its all about the fight in the dog. Sorry to hear Mike.
I have a friend who got Leukaemia and went into remission after several bouts of Chemo and it came back within 6 months. Only this time it spread to his brain. It was back to the drawing board again. More Chemo with some radiotheraphy thrown in to get him to a state where he could get a bone marrow by harvesting his own cells. Initially it was a success but a year later he suffered a relapse. So it was back up to James again for a third time. Chemo and radiotheraphy again with one final attempt at a bone marrow only this time using donor cells from his brother who was a match. We are 5 years on and he is in full remission and back doing the things he loves. I’m not sure how he kept going. He told me if he was doing it for himself he might have given up sooner than if he was doing it for his son. He wanted to see him grow up. Last year he managed the club U16 team with his son playing corner forward.

This fella was poor thick stubborn and would argue with himself but he has a heart of gold. Keep plugging away and battling and you will get your reward.


Sorry to hear Mike, all the best mate.

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Oh I’ll fight this cunt. Don’t you worry. I was strangely undisturbed coming out of hospital today. I don’t see the specialist for another three weeks. The way I Look at it, if it was that urgent/serious I’d be up on the table already. Life will go on as normal. Herself is getting a new kitchen in the next few weeks. That’ll keep her distracted


I genuinely have tears in my eyes after reading that. Magnificent stuff.


That does sound positive in fairness, I was hit hard when I read your post this morning, in a funny way I kind of celebrated with you when you had recent good news so this is tough on you and the family, they’ll all be finding this tough of course,
Try to keep the chin up as best as you can, it’s remarkable the strides they have been made in recent years with that prick of a disease, I wish you the very best, continue to use this place to vent if you need to and you’ll get plenty of support as well that might pick you up on a bad day, I’m sure everybody will be nice to you for a while :neutral_face: best of luck mate :+1:


Bollocks anyway .

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Been following your story for a while Mike.
You’ve done it once and I’ve no doubt that you’ll do it again.
Best of luck to you.


Only seeing this now, best of luck with Mike, no better buachail to fight it. :+1:

Also with good post management you’ll have an unassailable lead on the Good Post leaderboard :clap:


Best of luck Mike. Keep up the fight.

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I hate clicking on this thread but when I saw the post count gone up so high I knew I had to enter. You’ll bet the shit out of it @iron_mike :muscle:


I’m the same. Best wishes Mike.


sorry to hear about it Mike, I know you will beat it though.

I know we are all mostly strangers on here but we are all genuinely rooting for you


Best of luck Mike


Best wishes fighting it . Thoughts and prayers with you


Ah no.

Fuck it anyway. Really sorry to hear that news @iron_mike

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@iron_mike i’m sorry to hear this my friend. You are a fine stubborn oul fucker though so you know no other way but to tackle it head on. You’ll beat it again, I’ve absolutely no doubt in my mind about it.


Good man, fight the good fight.


All the best with the treatment Mike


No fear of you Mike, you’ll bate that cunt again. Thank God it was caught early.


Best of luck in the battle ahead of you mike . We are all here for you pal .