The Cancer Thread

Also, they need to hire them. As Iā€™ve said before my wan is Is in the thick of this. They are completely understaffed and under resourced.

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The deeply negative impact of public choice theory on the NHS in Britain in Adam Curtisā€™s The Trap is quite illuminating.

Public choice theory was a right wing ideology to run public services based on the ideology of the free market which came from the US and was implemented by Thatcher and carried on by Blair. It led to all sort of bizarre negative unintended consequences such as widespread falsification of information because staff were being constantly monitored and performance evaluated and only cared about meeting their own targets whichever way they could, even if meant lying, rather than functioning as part of a team to give an actual good service. It also increased the gap between the rich and poor in terms of education because everything was reduced to being measured numerically. ie league tables etc and the idea of an actual rounded education was thrown out in favour of rote learning on a narrowly focussed curriculum.

Basically itā€™s the ground zero of modern managerialism.

If only it was that.

The whole system is a joke.

But it is the solution, it has cross party support, so fund the fucking thing and put it in motion.

You canā€™t pay people if you donā€™t raise tax.

This is not just basic economics, itā€™s basic maths.

By all means continue throw about abuse about ā€œleftistsā€ if it makes you feel better, even though you consistently defend the most inefficient health system in the world, but it just makes you look like a giant tit.

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Totally agree but you know yourself people will kick up after first year or two of changeā€¦

Thatā€™s not a good enough reason not to throw everything behind it though and it takes political leadership.

The real frustrating thing is that we actually have something there, a solution, but we donā€™t have the balls to set about implementing it.

I would have liked to see the Social Democrats in government and give health to Roisin Shorthall. Slaintecare is her baby.


@anon61878697 me oul mucker, great news in the end.
Only seeing that post now.

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The health system is failure so letā€™s have more of the same

Your Shinners arenā€™t going to fix it, especially with failed councillors

I support the green party mate

not sure why me having a pop at FFG brought that response

The worst if all is, weā€™ll still be having the same conversation in 5 years

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if FFG stay in power

Doesnā€™t matter whose in power chief.

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There are lads here who literally donā€™t know the difference between the Green Party and Sinn Fein. To those who donā€™t support FFGLAB, it seems literally everybody is a ā€œShinnerā€.

Theyā€™re all seeing Shinners under the bed - actually, come to think of it, some of the FFGLAB crowd charge 400 a week to tenants for the privilege of sleeping there.

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Itā€™s beyond baffling.

ā€œSinn FĆ©in might ruin health.ā€


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The politics of failure have failed. Itā€™s time for them to work again.

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Thereā€™s lads on here saying ā€œgive sinn fein health and housing and see how they do har har harā€
Fucking idiots.
Sinn fein can only effect change and be judged on their ability to do so, if they run the govt, and have full control of taxation and spending.

Give it to Ole

Heā€™s ready at a wheel