The Cancer Thread

You should take that advice


Cheers pal. Itā€™s shook me up. Iā€™ll enjoy the next few laughs and wins that bit more.

As a young lad I used to say Christmas was great as it used to give people an excuse to be nice and decent and kind without embarrassment. Sickness does it too. Weā€™ve broader shoulders than we think and weā€™ll do our best for him.

Up the Dubs

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Rent free motherfucker, rent, free.

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Blind moles donā€™t get cancer.

Sharks either

They have some mechanism to kill cancer cells. Hopefully we can develop therapies based on it.

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Urban myth. Apparently

They say our immune system cures it. Covid is a WW2 scenario. Imagine what advances will happen over next ten years.

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Thereā€™s incredible progress in that area. Itā€™s been a bit of a mystery why cancer cells are missed by the immune system until sometimes itā€™s too late. Iā€™d say we are on the threshold of major advances in cancer detection and treatment.

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That jives, Iā€™m pretty sure I heard it mentioned in one of those sharknadoe movies or some such

It can also work against you, autoimmune diseases.

True, awful lot of illnesses are totally genetic though when you think about it.

In terms of cancer, what is the main driver of it - thereā€™s so many different variables, I suppose in terms of age, environment, diet, genes, obesity etc - the list is endless.

Maybe its just one of those things a third of this forum will have to face off, why there isnt more done on it by big pharma.

They seem to have medication to live with it rather than cure the thing, I suppose weā€™re not that far down the line yet.


Thereā€™s been a lot of progress, but mostly in treatment as you said. Early detection seems the key to it in terms of a good outcome. In terms of root cause, mutations or mistakes in DNA generally during making new cells, can be genetic, random, or a variety of environmental triggers, smoking, diet, obesity, alcohol seem to be the main triggers.

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Any repeated insult to the body.
Thereā€™s a tribe somewhere whose custom it is to drink absolutely boiling hot tea. Mouth and throat cancer is extremely common among them.
I dunno why, but this always stuck in my head after reading it somewhere (possibly here)


We have made massive advances over the last 20 years already so you would hope that this would continue.

Most cancers are very treatable now thankfully and even bad cases can be chronic long term illness rather than a death sentence

An awful hoor of a disease. Frightening stat that as of now one in two people in Ireland will get some form of cancer in their lifetime

I firmly believe the RNA vaccine technology developed for covid will unlock new and better treatments for cancer on the next decade. Because how it alters the dna in a cell. Iā€™m sure some egg head will figure out how to use against cancer. Future is bright

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Wall st prefers treatment over cures


An aunt of mine got the news recently, she has a road ahead of her with the treatment they have planned. Pioneer all her life and never smoked. Lovely woman, always very good to her kids and husband. Was brilliant to my Mam when she was ill. The father didnā€™t take the news easy but heā€™s ploughing on. Itā€™s a curse of disease.


Sort of like the Tyrone lads?

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Iā€™m no expert but to my unqualified mind there seems to be a hereditary disposition to it. Genetic mutations can be passed down. My wife has 6 or 7 aunts and most of them have all had a mastectomy or hysterectomy. I have seen other instances too of very healthy sports people on my own team getting it. One got leukaemia and the other stomach cancer. 2 of the fitter lads on the team. You could lead a very healthy life and can succumb to it but there are needless to say measures you can take to reduce risk. And obviously the fitter you are will count for a lot when it comes to fighting it.