The Cancer Thread

Similar situation is my family. My mother is the youngest of 6 sisters. The oldest 3 all died of breast cancer. The next eldest, number 4, got breast cancer and beat it. Maybe the treatments are getting better, I dont know. My mam and sister number 5 got masectomies.

There is no doubt that the treatments and technology out there now have improved phenomenally. My grandmother died of bowl cancer and her colostomy bag was quite literally down to her knees. Iā€™ve met a few lads from here at a few matches and they couldnā€™t even tell I was wearing one.
Also two things. I was at stage three when I was diagnosed. The surgeon told me that if that had had happened ten years ago, yes have never heard of me. Ditto with the liver. He said that ince upon a time as soon as you were diagnosed with the liver, you were told to get your affairs in order straight away.
While some cancers are obviously worse than others, treatments like chemotherapy and radium are not half as rough as they used to be. I sailed through my chemo and radium.
But as I said before, attitude is a lot of it. Iā€™ve met one or two over the last couple of years that seemed to just succumb and to a certain extent decided that once they were diagnosed, as far as they were concerned they had cancer and were more afraid if the term then they were interested/motivated to fight it.


Did tfk help you?


Without a doubt. Particularly the second time round stuck in Vincentā€™s and noone allowed into you.


My father in law, who got a fairly early catch on prostate cancer six or seven years ago, rang his son and told him he was going to die. Heā€™d be that way inclined, a negative enough fella. Chief Black Cloud they used to call him up in his local. He got through it fine in the end.


TFK was a god send that time I had a cold. Youā€™d be lost without it.


In fairness, medical people dont fuck around anymore. They dont sugarcoat it. Good or bad news, theyā€™ll give it to you on the chin and take it from there. If I had one word of advice for people who either have relatives/close friends or are going through this themselves that is STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM GOOGLE. I love my mother to bits but everytime I was talking to her for awhile Iā€™d get ā€œYou should tell them to try this . I was looking it up etc. etcā€ Whike medical teams will even encourage you to question some of their decisions, one has to trust that they are the best at what they. By all means tell them if youā€™re uncomfortable with something but give them a chance to explain. I would wager any money that no two cancers are the same. One may have the same symptoms as someone else and be diagnosed with a similar type but each body is different and what may work for md does not necessarily mean itā€™ll work for someone else


If you could get rid of the galloping herpes now youā€™d be home and dry


No my mission is to spread it like the covid

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Once you go past 35 years of age and regular yearly NCT is a must.


Chap I work with, same age as me, has leukemia. They diagnosed it very early and heā€™s got a very good prognosis, but jesus the poor bastard. Lovely Indian chap, two young kids, weā€™re hoping heā€™ll be back in work around February.

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My uncle has the sameā€¦ No treatment for months due to covid, now heā€™s getting a double dose of chemo every day for 3/4 weeks. Poor fucker.

Jesus. Thatā€™s the worst part of all this, Covid affecting people that way. Thankfully we donā€™t have the lockdown issues Ireland and other countries have.

When you say an NCT, what do you mean? Ask your GP for a full check up and blood work?

Tyrone lads may be a byproduct of many things, but evolution isnā€™t one of them.

Not that prick

Yes. Get it done once a year myself

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Yes, itā€™s something Iā€™ve had in the back of my mind. Iā€™ll get it done when covid restrictions lift. Our GP is only doing phone consultations these days.

When did you get back here you fucker? A bunch of us were proper worried about you


Watched a funeral from Perth recently. Was struck by the fact that there were loads of people in the church. A lad we grew up playing football with who moved to Oz about 6 years ago. 3 kids. Fit enough fella. Out there doing kms in the sea. Got a pain in his abdomen less than 3 months ago. Chemo did nothing. Died just over 2 weeks ago. Funeral was last week. None of his family got over cos of covid. They had to watch his funeral online. Fucking horrendous.