The Cancer Thread

Heā€™s on a tough road.

Tough is an understatement after reading that.


Fuck. Thatā€™s horrendous.

Alan McLoughlin is a FOTF. I met him at his book launch and he was a lovely man. A mate of mine wrote his autobiography, an Anglo-Irish academic from Portsmouth who grew up idolising him. McLoughlin says he knew he had cancer when he went for a piss one morning and the toilet filled up with blood.

At the book launch Niall Quinn was there and spoke for a few minutes. Himself and McLoughlin didnā€™t seem close. Someone asked Quinn if the '94 boys were still in touch and Quinn said not really and they should meet up more often. I was standing beside McLoughlin at the back and he threw Quinn a look of complete fury, like he couldnā€™t believe Quinn just said that. Very odd dynamic between the two of them.


I knew this lad a little (originally from Limerick actually ). He was a friend of friends, so an acquaintance really that Iā€™d meet at gigs etc in Dublin over the years. A really lovely fella.




Had seen a couple of his videos over the years. Great style to them,

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Best of luck James Barry



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+1 heā€™ll have Noel McGrath to lean on for support


The women are unreal
My misses dragged me kicking and screaming to the doctor when she suspected something was up


Just as well bud

Hope it works out the for him. JP Cooney former garryowen and munster player had a similar experience around 18 months ago

The mother got it again before Christmas 8 years after the first diagnosis she was fine then after a month of radiotherapy. Unfortunately we are approaching endgame now she had a bad turn late April and was in hospital for 7 weeks and came home last Tuesday, old lad told me he couldnā€™t care less about COVID and wanted myself and the missus down even though weā€™ve only had the one jab so far. Iā€™ve only one sibling and sheā€™s in Oz so no chance of her coming home. Only has a work visa sheā€™s a nurse so no way she would be let back in if she came back home. Anyway we arrived down yesterday despite what the ould lad had told me I was in shock when I saw her sheā€™s a shell of her former self but unfortunately such is life and we have to make the best of it. My 2 adult kids are coming down on Monday and they are nearly worse than me as she was on so many holidays with us events etc as they were growing up.


Thatā€™s really awful. I wish you and all your family every strength for these difficult days ahead.

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Sorry to hear this.

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Sorry to hear that @Bod95. Very little anyone can say that will improve things but know many here know what it feels like and how shite it is. The only advice that gets shared appears to be to try and create happy memories for you and your kids. Easier said than done obviously but something that will help in time.


Awful for all concerned. Particularly heartbreaking for your sister. Youā€™d be half tempted to close the book on Australia altogether if it meant getting straight home.


Thatā€™s very sad for you and your family @Bod95. Take care of yourself.


Thatā€™s terrible, my God bless ye all