The Cancer Thread

so sorry to hear that

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Hard lines boy

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Sorry @Bod95, I hope you can make the most of whatā€™s left and that she finds comfort in her family and the start sheā€™s given to you all.


Sorry to hear @Bod95ā€¦ Just be there for her and your dadā€¦ Not an easy station

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Sorry to hear about that @Bod95. Tough on all your family. Best wishes to you all

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Life can suck at times. There are no words of comfort at times like these. Best wishes to your Mum @Bod95 .

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Really sorry to hear it mate!

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Always sad to read such news. Sorry to hear @Bod95

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Whatever you do pal, just enjoy every waking hour she has left. You know this is it.

Ask the questions you have never asked, have the chats you always meant to have.

Cancer is shite and I hate this thread, but I hope it helps people.


Iā€™m very sorry to hear this.
The Aussies are awful cunts really.

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iā€™ve no words for you. I hope youā€™re ok


Make the best of the time you have.
How is your father taking it?


Very sorry to hear this. Hope her remaining time with you can be as good as possible.

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Sorry for the bad news pal, try your best to stay strong. Lost my father a good few years back from cancer, a big strong man who withered away over 6 months and went through savage pain, it was an ease in the end
Hope your mum passes gently :pray:


I had the very same experience. You wish at the end that he will just be at peace.


Very sorry to hear that @Bod95. I lost my own father to cancer some years back. Never easy no matter how much it seems to be signposted in advance.


Sorry to hear that news, please god she will be comfortable. At least you got her home, something that was a comfort to us with my mother.

There was a picture on her wall that said ā€œMothers are like buttons, they hold everything togetherā€ I always thought it was a nice description of a mothers role in the family.

Cherish every minute you spend with her and look after yourself.


Heā€™s trying to be a full time carer as she wants to be at home truth be told heā€™s not able for it and she should be in Milford. Delicate situation to manage.


The decision to go to milford is one of the most difficult for all. Its suggesting that the unthinkable is on the table. From my own experience is the staff, facilities and service there is top notch. They go out of the way for everyone. They also have an excellent Councilling service for families. My sister and grandparents were helped massively after my father. Its entirely the decision of your parents but the staff are amazing.


Cheers mate totally agree

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