The Cancer Thread

Given the way you’ve so eloquently spoken about your mother here I’ve no doubt you’ll do her proud. Sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss. May she rest in peace

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I was that soldier too. Was in the same boat, wanted to do the mother proud and the Eulogy justice but tough when you’re up there. I kept it short and got help from the siblings as then if something is missed it isn’t all on you. Best of luck with it, she’ll be with you to guide you through it.


Very sorry to hear that @Bod95

A friend in Limerick’s dad passed away last week at 68 from cancer. A gent and massive family man. Hoped to get down to meet them outside the church but couldn’t get down with the Mrs working etc. Watched the stream online. My friend and his two sisters all spoke in the eulogy and spoke with so much love for him. They kept it so together as well. An incredibly difficult thing to do. Hoping to meet my pal today.


Get three cans of Guinness, a packet of 20 cigarettes, a few packets of Tayto, a laptop, and an empty room, and bang it out. Write for how you’d speak. That’s what I did anyway.

If you don’t smoke, which I hope you don’t, forget the cigarettes part.


That’s heartbreaking stuff @Bod95. Hopefully you gain strength from knowing so many people are thinking about ye. You’ll do your mam and dad proud. RIP.


Sorry for your loss @Bod95


I did it for the 'aul lad a couple of years back. Was dreading it but got through it ok.

Only thing I’d say to you is have it all written down and say it out loud to another family member beforehand if you can. Definitely makes it a lot easier.


We gave her as best a send off today as we could I was in a knot all morning about doing the eulogy but I think it went off well based on the feedback I got, great to see see so many friends and neighbours outside the house and church. 2 particular highlights WOD sympathised with myself and the ould lad outside the church and I said will you do it for her on Saturday and he said with a tear in the eye “we will”. Also met my old pal Shane O Neill and as he was walking away I said to him I won’t be wishing you the best over the next few weeks.


Well done mate, I delivered the eulogy for my father many years ago, it wasn’t brilliant but it’s one of my proudest achievements, just to stand there in front of a packed church and say what a great man he was in my eyes, you’ll never forget that.

Mind yourself, it’s a lot by and slow process,

Hopefully WOD gets a good clip early on Saturday night to knock that out of his head


Well done mate.
Now off to the celebrity spotting thread and we’ll see what o dowd makes of it.
Your ma would expect it of you.

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Only reading this properly now lovely sentiments thanks mate

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@farmerinthecity hope your mum is doing okay now best wishes mate

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Thanks mate. She’s still in hospital but improving. Always a fear of something more sinister but all tests in that regard have come back clear. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


RIP. Sorry for your loss mate!

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Mother-in-law, 75, diagnosed with Stage 3 and facing a double mastectomy on 23 August.

She’s been told that she has to cocoon from the 9th as the risk of infection is apparently very high. Only one other person (my Mrs) can visit the house in those 14 days and the Mrs has to restrict her movements also, even though both herself and her parents are fully vaccinated.

We’ve both been incredibly lucky to date as cancer hasn’t really been a factor in either our own or our parents lives, so it’s all pretty new to us. Is it excessive that such precautions are being put in place or is it the way forward as Covid evolves? I’m not too sure.

Tough times ahead for her.


It seems very excessive given the extent of full vaccination and how support is so key for the lady at this time.

All the best.


Herself’s dad just diagnosed with bowel cancer. His own father and brother both died of it. Scope next week.


That’s tough, best of luck to herself and family