The Cancer Thread


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Best of luck @farmerinthecity

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Best of luck my man. Sorry to hear it.

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Best of luck to your Mum. Has she seen a cardiologist?

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Tough going @farmerinthecity as I’m sure you and you’re family are doing just keep strong for your Mum

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Best of luck @farmerinthecity

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Best of luck to you and your mother @farmerinthecity . Hope all works out ok.

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This @farmerinthecity .

That’s been considered but nothing has come from it according to the docs.

If you don’t have meas in these docs, don’t hang around waiting for them to guess right on this. Sometimes you have to be difficult.



Month’s mind mass for my mum tomorrow can’t believe it’s a month already.


All part of the healing.

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Best of luck.

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Not wanting to pry to much but is your mam coughing up anything.

It sounds like something a fella I work with had two years ago. Lungs heavily filled with fluid. Shadows on scans and lots of breathing difficulties and he could barely walk any distance without needing help. I mean about 20 or 30 steps. They never really go to the bottom of it and put him on inhalers and some steroids. That was it. He was back at work after a few scares and about 3 months being out. Just over the course of time he came round. I was talking to him this week after his latest check up and he said the specialist told him his lungs were back to normal. He is doing all the things he used to do before and is no longer taking the inhaler. He stopped taking it himself. Said he felt no need and said the specialist told him go back on it. But he says why should I when you tell me my lungs are now fine.

Best wishes to your mam. I hope she will be ok.


That’s awful, hope things get better.

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My Mam doesn’t have major issues with regard to energy thankfully. She keeps spiking a temperature showing most likely an infection. At least that’s what it looks like.

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Friend from college lost a sibling to this fucking pox today.

They seemed to have weathered it but it come back with a vengeance last month.


Fuck this shit.


Home last week for the first time in a year. Heard of so many people with the big C, my auld lad included. So far so good with him. An awful amount with it. Scary stuff.