The Cancer Thread

Best of luck @farmerinthecity to your mother itā€™s the first Iā€™m reading of it cos I was tagged a while ago. Also condolences to @Bod95 on your motherā€™s passing. I missed all that at the time. This thread scares the fuck out of me so I just stay out of it.


After July 15th they are consigned to history. In fact tomorrow will be my first outing in almost three years without a plethora of spare colostomy bags and all the fandango that comes with them.


Hope all went wellā€¦ Alcohol has a lot to answer for in Ireland.

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Not too bad almost 6 weeks now time moves on fast the ould fella is struggling a bit heā€™s been up to us and weā€™ve been down a few times. Tomorrow will be another hurdle to be jumped going to Croker as she was a hurling fanatic.


She sure was, and a great club lady also.



Iā€™m of the generation with the Credit Union motto - if you donā€™t put it in you sure as shit wonā€™t get it out.
Iā€™m not exactly a God botherer, Iā€™d fire off a few a day and the odd candle.
I even lit a few and muttered the odd missive on your behalf and here you are fit as a fiddle.
I can now scratch you off, you have weathered the storm you ungrateful fuckerā€¦ :wink: :pint:


The man above is omnipresent

Hope youā€™re doing ok.

Poignant. I hope she had lots of good days where she had 3 hours looking forward to watching the win on the Sunday Game.

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Thanks mate last few years made up for all the years of despair

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Great she got to see that. Youā€™ll take comfort in it in time.

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so far so good anyhow , thanks for asking

He passed away today. 47.


Iā€™m sorry for that. :slightly_frowning_face:

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Sorry to read this a chara. No age as they say. The light of Heaven to his soul.

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Very sorry to hear this

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Sorry for your troubles. May god be good to him

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Thatā€™s rough. Sorry to hear that.

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Very tough. Sorry about that

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Sorry to hear

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