The Cancer Thread


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Jesus that is no age - sorry to hear that. May he RIP

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Jesus that’s horrendous. No age at all. It’d break your mind thinking about it. RIP


Sorry to hear, RIP.

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That’s tragic. May he rest in peace.

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Cancer is just awful.

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Sorry to hear about your friend. May he rest in peace.

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Sorry to hear that. RIP

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Very sorry to hear the sad news.

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RIP. Too young.

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47 is no age at all

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Sorry for your loss TUM

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Sorry to hear that @TheUlteriorMotive that rough going for his family and his friends

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Sorry to hear that @TheUlteriorMotive

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Cunt of a thing

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Sorry to hear that TUM, bed in heaven.

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Sorry to hear this TUM. Very difficult to comprehend. May your friend rest in peace.

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Sorry to hear that RIP

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Sorry to learn that @TheUlteriorMotive. Life can be most unfair.

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