The Cancer Thread

So after being first admitted on 19th June, my mother is due to leave hospital today. An absolute rollercoaster of a two and a bit months, and despite still showing some signs of the battle the medics are happy to remove all restrictions on my motherā€™s liberties. A further period of recovery awaits but weā€™ll take that.

Iā€™d like to thank everyone for the good wishes. It meant a lot to see that support. Hopefully we wonā€™t be seeing the horrible grey building of Sligo General Hospital any time soon.


Itā€™s a great feeling. Best of luck to her. I was in for a check up the Tuesday of the All Ireland. My surgeon is a big hurling and Waterford man. It was a great feeling when he said " you can head off now. I wont have to look at that Jersey for another six months "

Enjoy the feeling boss. As Iā€™ve said plenty of times, itā€™s the ones closest to the patient that often suffer more then patient themselves


Thanks mate and continued best wishes to you.

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I know that the bumping of this thread seldom contains good news but, thankfully, this is an exception.

Mother-in-law had her surgery the morning after the All-Ireland and her recovery over the last few weeks has been very difficult. However, she attended UHL this afternoon for her results and it was all good. The cancer hasnā€™t spread and theyā€™re confident that it was all removed during the surgery. There may be a minor course of chemo required but they havenā€™t fully decided on that yet.

Massive relief for all of us, particularly for Mrs.Kremmen who has been living with and caring for her since the op.

Tough old bird.


Fantastic stuff. :clap:

Cheers brother. My thoughts are with your own situation.

I dread seeing this tread but thst is encouraging

Best wishes to her

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Thanks mate.

Things are good my side albeit with challenges.

Itā€™s just fantastic that a lady of that age just doesnā€™t play ball.


Good stuff

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Great news.

You too @farmerinthecity


Great news

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Good news @Elvis_Brandenberg_Kr and @farmerinthecity

I always get a little fear when I click on this thread but it warms me to hear a few positive stories.


Great news. Big relief for all.

The standard of cancer care in Ireland once you are in system seems very good


Theyā€™ve been very good in fairness. The Oncology Department is the one beacon of light in the quagmire that is UHL.


My wife went into hospital yesterday to have a benign rumour removed from the back of her mouth, benign is a great word obviously in that context but itā€™s still a tumour, so sheā€™s beeen really worried since she had the scan which diagnosed it.
Anyway she goes under the knife yesterday and it turns out to be a sac of pus which developed when some piece of food penetrated the skin at least a year ago,
Great news but needless worry caused


Thatā€™s fucking grosse though

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Great news. Iā€™m sure ye must be delighted.


Great news.