The Cancer Thread

She must have horrendous table manners


Good to hear all ok pal.


Great news and big relief - sorry for being smart about your Canada Goose early stuff bro.

My best mate (and man)‘s daughter has just come through a horrific two years of a rare form of leukemia and the associated treatment including a bone marrow transplant from Germany. Hopefully in the clear now but every day is a worry. She’s a great kid and has gained a very funny and dark sense of humour after all the time she spent in Crumlin.


Hoping all will be ok for her.


Well that puts our situation into perspective, it was a thing of nothing but even a brush with the thoughts of cancer is terrifying at quiet times of day when your mind wanders.
I’m sure we’d all gladly take it from our kids bodies to implant it in our own, that’s just a nightmare


This will be the only time I ever share a story from the S*n here but it’s worth a share

Dont be all high and mighty mate, we all know you were an avid 3AM girls reader back in the day.

The mother would have been 70 on Monday we have organised a lunch tomorrow in Limerick for 24 family and close friends myself and the oul lad were in 2 minds about it but I think we’ve made the right decision the wine will be flowing anyway which she would well approve of🤣


Getting people together is never the wrong call


That will a savage occasion. Definitely the right call. Enjoy it all.

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Enjoy every occasion in her memory. It’s raw now but over time it becomes even more meaningful.


Hope ye have a lovely day. A nice way to mark her memory. Hope your Dad doing ok

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A lovely way to mark it

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Sad news about David Brooks of Bournemouth and Wales who has been diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma.


Is he in trouble? He said in his statement that the prognosis is positive and he should be okay. Fingers crossed.

Stage 2, he’d have a right chance you’d think. Think the survival rate is very High fir that. Might not come back quite the same player though, but who gives a shit about that.

I had wondered what was up with him the last 18 months or do as he shouldve been scoring freely at championship level.

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A tough watch. The knock-back from the American clinic must have been devastating. She knew it was a long shot but……

RTE really love doing shows on RTE employees and former employees.

I only watched bits and pieces of it. That’s all I could watch. Very sad.

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