The Cancer Thread

Same here , watched the start but then it got too real for me to watch ā€¦ you always think it will be someone elseā€™s problem but as you get older you realise thatā€™s just arroganceā€¦ time is the most important currency we have .


She seemed like a really nice lady too,

Good natured and mannered yet steely.

When she first was diagnosed with what appeared a minor lump on her breast she pushed for as much surgery so as to protect her kids by staying around,

Iā€™m listening to The Smiths at the moment too - one of her favourites.


This is a desperate attention seeking post. Almost a cry for help


No itā€™s an accurate post.

RTE fawning over retired/deceased former RTE employees as usual.

Tommy Gorman, Gerry Ryan, Marion Finucane, Gay Byrne etc. Making heroes of distinctly average to useless broadcasters and journalists.

Whatever, thats sad you feel the need to post that in the context


Keelin was in Vincentā€™s getting treatment the same time as my Dad. He got chatting to her a few times and she always made time to talk to anyone who stopped her for a natter. She was on some intensive treatment at the time and still presenting the Six One news every evening. I always found that remarkable. Most people would be fit for nothing but bed but stayed presenting it for as long as she could


So regardless of whether itā€™s accurate or not we should think of snowflakes like you and your ridiculous sensitivities.

Fuck off.

Maybe do it somewhere other than the cancer thread and have a bit of decorum

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You wouldnā€™t know the meaning of the word.

I donā€™t know if thatā€™s a reference to Keelin but she was an excellent investigative journalist in her early years.

Was she? Just another RTE shill from what I could see but then again Iā€™d say youā€™re part of the target market of these RTE backslapping shows.



Keelin Shanley was an excellent journalist and broadcaster and seemed like an all round great person.

She had a lovely knack of making people feel better just from them having been aware of her existence, even if it was just from watching her on the telly.

Itā€™s really weird that anybody would seize on her very sad death as an excuse to pour out a torrent of unfocussed cynicism and bitterness.


For a second I thought you said ā€œshe had a lovely rackā€ā€¦ which she also had.



A very attractive woman indeed, in an understated way. Iā€™d say her excellent musical tastes as a youngster marked out a curiosity of mind that stood to her.

I havenā€™t see the documentary yet but Iā€™ll give it a viewing later this week. The Smiths was reference by Farmer so if she listened to them then she had great taste.

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She a lovely warm empathy about her face that Cure fans tend to have.

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The title of her book on her journey is called ā€˜There is a Light that Never Goes Outā€™.

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Herself wouldnā€™t even start to watch it.

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