The Cancer Thread

Wouldn’t blame her. I found the little bit I saw of it very tough.

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I didn’t plan on watching it but end up sticking with it. A tough watch. Life is a bit of DNA, a bit of self care and alot of luck.


You’ve taken the pounding received the last week terribly.

Do us all and favour and rebrand ffs :joy:

I’d say most of us were reared better than to speak (or type) like that.
Real oddball stuff


I always felt the cancer thread was one place you didnt get bollocksology on here.

Anyway, Keelin seemed like a nice lady and she had a tough end. Cancer is something that touches us all at some stage and I’d wish it on no one.


Can someone answer me this please, is there any truth in the saying “they have cancer in that family” as in a family could be more susceptible to getting cancer than the next? I know that if you smoke 60 a day you have a higher chance of getting a cancer or sit out in the sun etc etc. But are some families prone to getting cancer ‘easier’ than others?

Yes. Many cancers are genetic.


I see it’s now appropriate to hold people who get cancer up on a higher plane if they come from the right social class.

You lads are really showing yourselves up now.

Yes, there are mutations in our DNA that have been linked to certain cancers. It doesn’t mean you will develop the cancer, means you are at higher risk. Breast cancer is a good example and the reason some women (Angelina Jolie for example) who have the markers for the most aggressive kinds choose mastectomy.

Most cancers though are due to mutations acquired during your lifetime and not inherited, I think it’s about 10-20% inherited.


Auld birds moderator @Locke lowering the tone again.

A very good investigative journalist as someone mentioned above. One of the better ones from RTÉ.

I can’t bring myself to watch it just yet.

Of course.

My Mammy is one of 6 sisters. 3 of the sisters are dead with the same kind of breast cancer, my mother has had a mastectomy. You have to know your family history.


That’s tough bro.

Mental health has genetic elements to it as well, particularly the more serious ones like schizophrenia. Of course being in an unstable household growing up can significantly impact things also.


Ireland is a small country with a relatively small pool of well-known/‘famous’ people. On top of that, we don’t have a huge amount of broadcasters.

Keelin Shanley was a person known to pretty much every Irish person. She died relatively young. She also left behind audio content from the end of her life which in any circumstances - regardless of notoriety - would make for interesting content for any documentary producer.


Mother-in-law has three first cousins from same family. Two of them buried with it. The other has recovered from it twice. Some families have no luck. Sorry to hear about yours.

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That’s fine mate.

RTE seem to hold some nauseating tribute show for every ex presenter/broadcaster/contributor who has passed away, hailing their limited talent base as exemplary and trailblazing.

The only thing I’ve commented on here was the pattern of RTE making heroes out of their well paid employees at the expense of tax payers money. It’s propaganda.

I don’t know Keelin Shanley personally. Professionally she came across as the usual establishment shill who spilled out her employers vehement anti-northern nationalist line.

Terrible way to go and all that, RIP.

But the censorship being called for by the usual Screaming Marys for having the temerity to reference the pattern of RTE eulogising their overpaid, untalented employees at the taxpayers expense is a comment worthy of discussion. Laughable that some people think RTE employees are more worthy of sympathy, respect and tributes than the ordinary Joe I draw issue with.

You must be really unhappy to lack any sort of empathy for anyone going through a tough time. Hope you’re not like that in real life although the time you spend on here suggests you are.


What empathy do I lack?

Unlike you I don’t dish out my empathy to people based on whether they were a peripheral TV personality.

Isn there a school of thought on mental health that it could be related to a trauma of an ancestor being carried on by a later generation eventhough they would have never interacted with eachother ? I thought i read something about that

Or young women with young children who die of a very cruel disease.

What the fuck are you talk g about social class for, I don’t think anybody here except you would insult a young person who’s recently died of cancer based on their profession or employer

It’s really nasty and petty, what do you expect from a pig etc etc


I’m talking about RTE spending tax payers money eulogising another one of their deceased or retired employees. Maybe you should read my posts in future before clambering over your soap box.

A cowardly dig from a toxic, narcissistic gaslighter like you is par the course really.

Where did I insult Keelin Shanley as well. I insulted RTE for eulogising their retired/deceased employees (propagandists) at the expense of the taxpayer.