The Cancer Thread

You appear to be so full of resentments and bitterness. The only friend you enjoy is misery and the more of it the better, especially if it’s someone else’s and fucking God forbid anyone is happy. How dare they!!!

Am I warm?


‘Establishment shill’ ‘untalented’ ‘overpaid’
All from your last post, those are compliments?
You’re a strange creature, expending an awful lot of time and energy into being edgy for a few lads on the internet

What’s cowardly about challenging your bullshit,
You must have been dragged up, if not you should be ashamed of yourself


Resentment and bitterness no. I just happen to think RTE sponging public money on eulogising former/deceased employees is a disgraceful waste of money.

You must have a bizarre outlook to be putting RTE leeches up on a pedestal over the ordinary Joe.

Which of these was incorrect?

Where did I say I complimented her? You’re expending an awful lot of time arguing the point of a person you never met before. Maybe I have issue with RTE and their employees and the constant disgusting propaganda they spread against northern nationalist and the sectarian hardships they endured all their lives but I suppose a princess like you from his backwater in Cark would rather judge than try and understand.

RTÉ have made documentaries about “ordinary Joes/Josephines” that have cancer/ have died from cancer.

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And for what it’s worth I’ll be saying the exact same thing when Tubridy/Joe Duffy and all the other RTE propagandists pass away/retire and RTE then commission another special on how great and talented they were.

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Do you think it might help other families in a similar situation? Or maybe make people who don’t have to face it be grateful for what they have?

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When was the last one?

We’ve had ones on Keelin Shanley and Tommy Gorman already this year.

Not really.

I think there’s plenty of things RTE could do better, part of it would be their employees and management displaying integrity when it comes to their broadcasting and fair representation of the news, another part would be them stop facilitating their employees avoiding taxes.

Some good ones on radio anyway

They also had one a few years back featuring an art lecturer in Limerick (Sinead Dineen) who did a piece on mortality as she had got a terminal diagnosis from what I recall (she since passed away). Can’t remember the name of that one.

Here’s another one

They did one with that young woman from Clare (name escapes me) who died from cervical cancer. Sure, she became a public figure but that was through her diagnosis and campaigning


Laura Brennan


PS @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

Production crews for television in past 18 months+ have had significant protocols to follow. Doing a piece on Tommie Gorman would be easier for them to make with all that in mind as he was the main protagonist. Getting someone from outside the organisation would have had a knock-on impact in getting through insurance companies etc…

Might be the reason they churned that out (didn’t watch it but reviews were not great).

Thanks @Raylan . A brave young woman who used her diagnosis to educate others.


I think it goes along with the pattern of RTE commissioning state funded money to do eulogies and tribute shows to former employees of very dubious talent.

Imagine the BBC doing an hour long tribute show on a prime time tv slot for their equivalent Marian Finucane? There’s an absolute rotten culture with RTE in this regard, backward pedaling to justify their ridiculous salaries.

Would this documentary have been commissioned if she wasn’t an RTE employee? There’s no doubt we’ll have a Charlie Bird one coming up too? Why not have one on Anto Finnegan? That’s a rhetorical question so you don’t need to answer.

take it elsewhere and out of this thread, if you have anything about you at all as a human being, you’ll realise why and stop being a knobhead, even briefly


You and your other snowflakes want to make this all about which of you is more righteous. The usual suspects on where as sanctimonious and fake as ever. It was a fair comment about RTE, you and the other fuckwits could have let it be but you had to make it all about using a pedestal about how compassionate you are.


Just cop on to yourself and use a different thread to get on your soap box about RTE and state funds that you don’t contribute to

You’d think lads would know better than to argue with him at this stage


Heed your own advice fuckwit. You had to make all about you with your sanctimony. You’re quite happy to abuse minimum wage workers as dirt off your shoe but seem to put RTE presenters on a pedestal.

Dig up mate, you’re making a show of yourself. Just have a bit of decorum and take your bullshit off this thread.

It’d be probably best if the shit from today got moved out of this thread. Its very unseemly

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