The Cancer Thread

Its not arguing really, just asking for a small bit of decency

You’re the one making a show of yourself. You had to argue a perfectly fair comment into something more serious in order to sate your sanctimonious needs. We all know if this was Chole from the flats, you wouldn’t give a shite but you are the embodiment of middle Ireland.

It’s probably for the best you left your ego at the door for once.


What would you expect from a pig but a grunt. I can’t see how you’ll be taken seriously on anything after this.


I think it would be appropriate to relocate the comments and things about this poor woman to a different thread

That’s 5 years ago. RTE have 3 or 4 of these yearly, ones on Tommy Gorman and Marian Finucane ffs.

The other you posted up was actually an extremely interesting case given the fact he had been shot by Al Al Qaeda

Be some craic when they do one on Catriona Perry or David McCullagh and they try and pretend they had discernible talents.

The levels of ego and sanctimony off this would nearly knock you out.

We’re from a small country with a small pool of celebrities living here full time.

The reporters that they have covered, particularly a ground breaking female broadcaster like Finucane, would have be instantly recognisable wherever she went in the country.

I’m not fond of Gorman but I would judge the editorial decision to document his story for the same reasons.

Couldn’t bring myself to watch the Keelin Shanley one. Still too raw in my head after losing Dad to it a few years back.


This is all about you mate and none of it is any good, at all

If you can’t see this isn’t the thread for your shit then there is no good in you or talking to you and I’ll leave it with you


So why are we doing big tribute shows on absolute noneties with little discernible talents?

Their level of talent is a matter of your personal opinion.

The interest in their story is obviously there regardless of what you think.


You’re parroting my take back at me now. This is about you taking a fair comment and hoping you could show the whole forum how morally superior and considerate you are. If you had good grace you’d have left it at that but of course you and the other fuckwits wanted to get in a dick measuring contest about how considerate you are. Next time it might be more beneficial to park your ego or you end up looking like an egotist who tries to contrive such an insincere sense of consideration.

It is. I’ve issued that but as usual the fuckwits were out trying to censor and suppress anything different to their own.

It’s more appropriate for the thread on RTE that you make good use of.

Personally speaking I’ve found this thread a great help in dealing with ongoing grief that rears its head from time to time and a good way to console our fellow posters who are going through similar shit.

This should not be a place for diatribe like this.


Well said

Nope, I think it was topical here.

I had said my bit until @mikehunt, @EstebanSexface, @myboyblue and @backinatracksuit started their usual narcissistic bullshit where they battled it out with each other to see who could fake sincerity about this the most.

The type of lads who are happy enough to make pretty horrific comments themselves about other matters but when it’s someone middle Ireland you’re not allowed to make any reasonable inference.

It was a strange decision. Very strange.


It wasn’t mate. Give up now. Not the place.

It would have been very appropriate to post it in the RTE thread.

Of course it was fucking topical. As topical as you can get, yet another RTE show about another recently retired/deceased RTE employee. I didn’t watch it as I find them nauseating but no doubt the narrative was the same as always, overinflate the talents and achievements of the person who it was about.

Topical, relevant but the usual curs want to fight over who can show the most sanctimony on here.

A post criticising RTE policy should be in the RTE thread.

Not the tread that discusses cancer and how it impacts us.

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