The Cancer Thread

Ah lovely :slightly_smiling_face:

Fucks sake, sorry to hear that man, one of the soundest lads on here. If you need anything anything at all donā€™t hesitate. You survived plenty of pulling and dragging in junior matches in the likes of dunmore and menlough before, youā€™ll survive this cunt of a thing


Sorry to hear @Faldo

Treatments are great now so Iā€™m sure youā€™ll still have many good days ahead.

A positive attitude will take you a long way.

Sorry to hear that news @Faldo , wish you all the best with the treatment and hopefully it goes well.

Best wishes @Faldo

Keep her lit

The very best wishes @Faldo

Best wishes @Faldo.

Lads I wonā€™t lie, Iā€™ve cried a good few tears since I posted thatā€¦ Tbhā€¦ The lads that do know me here(Iā€™ve actually done a few bits and pieces for lads here would you believe) would tell you I dis not want to post that at allā€¦ Just with all the shit that was going on I think it just got to meā€¦

Thanks so much for the messages of support and all the private messagesā€¦ Its all appreciatedā€¦ I want zero sympathy ladsā€¦ Its a cunt of a position Iā€™m in but Iā€™m a fighterā€¦

Hopefully the chemo and radiation does its bit and Iā€™ll keep the fight up my endā€¦ Thereā€™s going to be good and bad daysā€¦ The bad days are shit but Iā€™ll pull my self throughā€¦ The girls are a great driving forceā€¦ Today will be a better dayā€¦

Thanks for letting me ventā€¦ On a whole this place is good and has good decent people in it.


Jesus thatā€™s awful. May everything work out for you.


Weā€™re here for you pal. Anytime.

Stay strong and best wishes @Faldo.

Look after yourself pal.

Except for the derbies

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Fight the good fight. and as many have said, use this place to vent

Jaysus. Best of luck @Faldo. If you need to find inspiration for obstinate refusal to give in then hopefully tfk can inspire you in your battle.


Two first cousins of mine (brother and sister) and and the wifes uncle all diagnosed in the last week.


Sorry to hear this Mike. Hope all will be ok.

Iā€™d say she hasnā€™t long left. Fair play to her, using her voice until the end.


Vicky Phelan, the cervical cancer campaigner who said she feared she might not live to see Christmas, has appealed to politicians to pass legislation to allow terminally ill people such as herself to be medically assisted to die if they wish.

ā€œNobodyā€™s allowed to give you a magic injection to make you go any faster and I donā€™t want to be lingering for my kids,ā€ the Kilkenny woman said yesterday. She was speaking in support of the Sunday Times campaign which is being launched today in support of voluntary assisted death.

Thanking Irish people for the support and affection they have given her, Phelan asked a final favour: to give those in her situation the right to end their suffering.

ā€œJust because you believe something for your own reasons, whether theyā€™re religious or other, you shouldnā€™t be imposing your beliefs on somebody else,ā€ Phelan said.

Having been told four years ago that she had only six to 12 months to live, Phelan, 47, decided in October to stop trying new treatments to prolong her life. She is no longer ā€œas terrified of dying as I wasā€ but fears the process will take a long time because she is young.


She has seen a ā€œdeath rattleā€ and could not bear her daughter Amelia, 16, and son Darragh, ten, to go through that.

Phelan has lobbied politicians to support assisted dying and found their attitude to be more conservative than public opinion. ā€œI donā€™t understand what is it that holds politicians back,ā€ she said.

She said that when she backed the unsuccessful Dying with Dignity Bill, ā€œmost people were quite supportiveā€.