The causes of Glas

In the last census over 80% of people declared themselves catholic. This is an non issue.

Are you telling me if you told them you were not a Catholic they would refuse your child’s admittance? Because I believe that’s unconstitutional. I’d sue the bastards.

Religion is a curse. Doesnt mean you dont have to believe there is something bigger than us but fuck its all the same god but different interpretations. Mugs game, ie going to mass or praying for weeks fffs

That’s a bit elitist though. Most people are not that smart intellectually so wouldn’t meet your criteria for a properly qualified person. However anyone can and should get a degree these days. The point is there are jobs for people like that that pay reasonably well, when in the past they would have been on welfare or emigrated. True there’s lots of lower level work but the point is multinationals like to hire reasonably educated people even for those jobs.

Multinationals also hire a lot of highly qualified people, the pharma industry, IT, software development, etc. It’s pretty diverse.

On the church, hypothetically if I moved to Ireland and tried to enroll my kids in the local national school telling them I was not a Catholic, they could refuse? Don’t think so but maybe the constitution has changed.

Unless you have evidence to back up the 90% @Mac, I suspect it’s off. My own experience with my kids is the opposite. One Principal even agreed that my lads should not have to sit through RE.

Did you tell them you didn’t have one? Or that you had a “naming ceremony” (or some other mularkey) cert.? I’d bet they’d take it. The potential for someone taking some form of action would deter most of them.

They would not. I am a witness to some very open-minded behaviour from a school principal in Galway.

Is she a demon in the sack?


It’s not that they can refuse you but Catholics will get priority and if they fill up the spaces you don’t get in. Church of Ireland Schools do the same so it’s not just a Catholic Church thing. It’s a big issue in Dublin, not sure about the rest of the country

Ok, Ambrose. Let’s get two things straight…

  1. A gentleman would never divulge such information; and
  2. OMG - YES!!

That sounds closer to reality. Outside of Dublin and the commuter belt, the notion of putting your kids’ names down for rural schools before they can walk is unusual.

The other point on that is that a lot of people working for these companies have moved to Dublin to work for then. Around 40-50% of the people in the tech companies around Grand Canal Dock aren’t Irish and have moved here to work for these companies.

The thing is rural schools never fill, and they are mad for as many students as possible to get the numbers to keep teachers.

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What article of the Constitution and on what basis? Because you often seem to confuse your beliefs with the real world.

To allow Muslims enact Sharia law in Ireland if they can become the majority.

What are you talking about? You think our entire education system is shit. I don’t. I agreed with mac that the church influence is still strong. A school having a Catholic ethos does not make it shit educationally you fool. There are some fabulous ceist schools around the country.

I think the secondary school system is utter shit, the primary school system has major problems including the influence of the church, class sizes, and special needs support, and the third level system is certainly not excellent.

Calm down.

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In your opinion, what’s so good about our education system?

Also @glasagusban , this thread is for logging all thevarious issues you take a very strident and often negative viewpoint of. You have a lot of anger towards so many things and people. Maybe this thread may be useful in court at a later date.

Keep scrambling around trying to find a point to prove me wrong on @Juhniallio. You’ll find one one day.