The Celebrity Spotting Thread Part Four. Flatty needs more help 🐐

Like Big Joe Joyce on heroin.

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Not a spot


Rod Stewart on Bell Street Glasgow.

Rod emerged from a black car with tinted windows, gave a fist pump and a loud cheer to the Celtic fans in the area before marching triumphantly into Murphy’s Irish Bar with a small entourage.



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A Celtic supporter at a Celtic match is a spot?


Don’t think that’s the stadium chief?

Looks like he had Bobby Gould with him.

Who : Conan O’Brien.
Where: Main St Loughrea
When : Yesterday


Looks like he’s working there

Was hoping a derogation might be granted for this one.

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Not a spot.


Whatever gave you that idea?


Who: Guggi
Famous for: having a ridiculous name, being an artist/sculptor and one of Bono’s mates
When: Today about 2:15
Where: Molesworth St
Wearing: Black leather jacket, skinny black jeans, cowboy boots and gold rimmed sunglasses
Company: Holding hands with a brown haired lady that looked 20 years younger than him
Other notes: They were walking and talking quite fast. They took a right onto Molesworth place so I thought they might be rushing to a late lunch in One Pico but I see it’s closed today so they were probably heading back to the expensive car park beside it so as not to eat into another hour. Guggi is fairly small but was strutting away with his lady friend. His cowboy boots were making an awful racket on the pavement not unlike the sound he made with Gavin Friday in the early days of The Virgin Prunes.


Guggi is a good egg

Not a spot.


I knew I could trust in the process.

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I couldn’t tell you what he looks like.

Depends what Bono looks like these days. Or it used to anyway.

Guggi on arena (radio 1) at 7