The Celebrity Spotting Thread Part Four. Flatty needs more help 🐐

Guys I set the scene, describe the interaction in detail & analyse the aftermath for all the people in remote locations, people who might go from one year to the next without spotting any celebrity. I want to show them what it’s like, let them imagine a world where they too can spot celebrities on a regular basis. Let them dream that it could be them one day. I could say “spotted David Davin-Power standing on the Clontarf Road” but that wouldn’t be worth a damn.


I’d be more familiar with Dublins 1, 2, 7, 6W and 8 so I appreciate the scene setting

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The Central Dublin culchie free-movement zone


It was wonderful

Who: AJ Styles
Famous for: professional wrestler.
Where: Dublin Airport T2
When: yesterday

Notes: AJ is surprisingly short. And surprisingly old. Still appears to do the odd bicep curl.
AJ was wearing that unique style of clothing that appears to be tattered and in shit, yet also somehow appears to be savage expensive. He called me, and everyone else, “brother”

For the rules, I was at my place of work but not working.


Kenan Thompson Reaction GIF

Is he from Wexford Town?


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Who: Rebecca Adlington
Famous for: gold medal olympic swimmer Team GB
Where: outside a cafe in Manchester queuing up for her breakfast
When: this morning about 11

Notes: fine big woman, cheery sort would seem. Had no idea who she was until the missus informed me. Got not asked for preferential treatment as content to queue for a table to come available.


Not a spot

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Had Lionel not said he hadn’t a clue who she was until his missus told him would you have allowed it?

Its seems @LionelRitchie doesnt have a nose for a spot

Ah no

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Nobody gets spots in Manchester except Flatty

Spotted Dermot Kennedy yesterday afternoon but he was on his way to work so I am not claiming it as an official spot.

He had a fairly high speed Garda escort going in the Ennis Road, was mildly surprised to see him driving alone in a Range Rover.

Had a piss next to Michael Healy Rae in Sneem a while ago, there seemed to be an event on in the hotel so I’d say he was at work
I said, ‘jaysus didn’t expect you to be here’ or something like that (despite his car being parked right in front of the main entrance festooned with his name😀’
He said, ‘you never know where you’ll find me and laughed out loud’ I carried on pissing, he was dressed exactly as you’d expect, had a sound way about him,


Marlon Brando Smiling GIF

Not a spot.


Sneem vision 2030 meeting. Are you staying in the hotel ?

Can’t believe I even posted that on this thread tbh :man_shrugging:

Yes @Alan-partridge we’re in the Sneem