The Celebrity Spotting Thread Part Four. Flatty needs more help 🐐

We all know your on holidays chief, you could of just posted that in a relevant thread.

could have

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How the fuck would you know I’m on holidays?

I’m not on holidays :man_shrugging:

I was in the hotel for the weekend, just got home earlier today.
There was a wedding there on Saturday night and a few wexford hoors kept us awake half the night talking shite in the lobby right outside our room :tired_face:

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I wasn’t at the wedding btw.
Sneem is a great spot, had a lovely meal in the blue bull followed by a few scoops in o sheas on sat night

Take me back :heart_eyes:

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Live spot. Out of respect for the tough week he’s had i wont reveal the location of his weekend retreat…



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Details were very poor???

Could have been a stock photo for all we know.

@blackjack has deep-faked @Fagan_ODowd :hushed:

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The camera was shaking as he was getting a blow job at the time.

I presume some good egg picked up his tab as the toy man really appreciates theses many, many acts of kindness/freebies…

Noel will be around to pick up the bill. Ryan wouldn’t understand how that works.


I’m surprised he can order without having to ask NK…

Hopefully he’s around Clifden, I’ll be there myself tomorrow,

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Give him a hug for us :heart:


He looks at ease among his people there.

Would you test drive this for me @blackjack ?

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Are you on holidays?


Does he have a woman with him, and if so, is she worthy of the toy man?