The Celebrity Spotting Thread Part Twee (or help Flatty identify the celeb he just spotted) (Part 1)

Good effort but if ā€œdesign legendsā€ are spots Iā€™d worry for the future of the thread


A no mark alcoholic architect with a hugely inflated sense of his own importance. And a poor mans Dermot Bannon while Iā€™m at it.

Not a spot.


Could you also issue a ruling on a lad taking surreptitious photos of ladies on bicycles?

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cc @ciarancareyshurlingarmy

You may be avoiding the point

Dublin football legend Brian Fenton leaving the par 3 golf course in malahide castle today at 12.50 or so. Brian was with a couple of mates as they strolled out and across the grass towards the malahide village car park. Heā€™s a tall lad and looks like he can still do a bit more beefing up.

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I used to go to the power lifting gym in Harmonstown which unfortunately now is closed and Fenton would also be in there over the winter doing weights. He is big and gangly looking alright but he is a strong as an ox.

He has a wonderful unassuming manner while walking around the powerlifting club.

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Not a spot. The fact that he is playing par 3 golf at Malahide Castle public golf course tells you what you need to know about his celebrity status.


Canā€™t argue with that

Did you manage to spot how he ordered a sambo at a nearby deli?

Who: Celebrity Architect Dermot Bannon
Where: High Rock, Portmarnock
When: Yesterday evening about half eight
I decided to take the little lady for her first swim at high rock yesterday. Beautiful evening for it, the place was jammers. We were changing to leave when I realised that the bould Dermot had obviously the same idea and was beside us changing with his own young fella. Dermot is tall enough. Dermot was most likely outside his 5k but he may have been on a mission for inspiration from the view as he is overseeing the building of a house overlooking the Velvet Strand at the moment.


A spot.

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Sorry mate, but the definitive Dermot Bannon spot was logged by @funtime a few years back. Nothing else can really come close.

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Be the hokey. Bannon has lost a few pounds since then by the looks of him.

Thereā€™s a trimming coming for us all shortly

The power of suggestion cc @Fagan_ODowd

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Same person, same place two years ago wasnā€™t a spot. Now heā€™s a spot. Thatā€™s lockdown for you.


Him breaching the 5k limit seems to have gotten it over the line this time

He has a much higher public profile nowā€¦ celebrity endorsements and advertising gigs on top of his rte ubiquity. Selling the country virgin media. Sure he never stops.

New general in charge.

Either roll in, or GTFO.