The Celebrity Spotting Thread Part Twee (or help Flatty identify the celeb he just spotted) (Part 1)

This was George
Where? Concord lounge Heathrow
When? Just there this afternoon
George was dressed in all black with a black cap with gold logo which looked fearfully expensive. Travelling with a very glamorous lady of colour, both well dressed with what I think was Louis Vuitton hand luggage.
George caught me looking at him a few times but neither of us acknowledged the fact.
I darent ask for a better photo as

  1. Covid
  2. He still looks very well
  3. Heavyweight champion of the world.
    I’m delighted with the spot, but after a glass of champagne (pink), a Manhattan, a Heineken (only option) and an espresso martini, I still didn’t like to due to covid.
    On the plane now.
    For the sake of openness, I am flying first class for the first and only time, which was 1k cheaper than business class when we first booked.
    It’s awesome.

If you’d known the late Thomas Galligan you wouldn’t have fallen for it either.
The poor unfortunate was the old style midfielder, catch and kick and never take a backward step. He met a sad end, drowning in a drain when he hadn’t the wherewithal to extricate himself. A sociable and well liked gent. :pint:

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Very fair

I am going to accept your bona fides and give this as a spot.


Everyone would be wary of smallpox.


Saw Alan Lewis or “Lewie” as his pal insisted on calling him outside Bear Market in Blackrock, County Dublin this morning. “Lewie” was looking as fresh as a daisy.
Still not a spot though.


A solid contender for COTY. I somehow attended an AIL rugby game pre dinner event around 10 years ago where he was the speaker.

He spent the time bigging himself up, casting homophobic slurs at Nigel Owens, and congratulating a table of ladies for their Movember efforts along with some rugby jocular banter. People walked out. He was still speaking as kick off was taking place. A narcissistic asshole.


He has that look about him in fairness

Zero Covid enthusiast TomĂĄs Ryan sitting outside Il Valentino there. Cc @Horsebox

Not a spot.

I spotted him supping cans outside Brewdog one of the evenings during lockdown when we were allowed outdoor pints so he must be local to the area. As he is a no mark sub teacher I didn’t log him as a spot either.

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Was he wearing a mask?

He wasn’t but he was outdoors so I’d give him a pass.

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Slightly better photo

You got your spot. Now jog on.


I was trying to provide a little more evidence as you suggested my bona fides may be insufficient.
I was looking through my photos.

George who?

George Foreman.

He famous for designing a food grill thing for fat Americans.
They break after a few weeks.

Is he a chef or something? Flatty should have provided a surname, only massive celebrities like the lad I occasionally meet in Straw are exempt…imho

I think he’s trying to cod you Fagan.
That’s the exact same photo as he posted up the first time.

Not really. He’d be on those late night advertising programs where drunk people and insomniacs phone in to buy stuff they’ll never use. You wouldn’t have seen them as you’d have to be up early to milk the cows.