The Celtic Phoenix - A thread to list the economic miracles of Michael Noonan & Fine Gael

No, but our council tax is about three grand a year. We pay for water both usage and bizarrely whatever goes back out rates as well.

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Ā£200 for a flight to London back in 1990

Just over double that. For that we get our bins collected, but the majority goes to things like roads, health and education, in other words the stuff that all other taxes also go to.

Perfect example of public sector inefficiency. Michael Oā€™Leary should be running the country.

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Exactly. Vetting has delayed all new hires.

Failing a security audit (likely a function of having a Green staff) made things worse.

And cap that off with them not being able to pay overtime!

The guaranteed hours are actually up to 30 now but they had still received thousands of applications when it was 20.

Believe it or, it suits a lot of people to work like that. Dublin Airport has always been a big employer of college students (particularly DCU) during summers.

The vetting system in the country is absolutely ridiculous. Having to get seperately vetted for every job and even to become a coach for different sporting organisations. Surely there should be one central Garda vetting you either pass or donā€™t. Maybe renew then every one or two years. Are there any moves being made to address this I wonder?


Quite a bit, what i was meaning to say is property tax is good as a tax on wealth overall, the problems with it in modern ireland is its based on an over inflationed valuation and the services its supposed to pay for are non-existent. It was brought in to pay for county councils so the money wouldnt come out of the goverments central pot.
There is a new estate being developed near where i am living, herself was mad to buy one but the price was ridiculous for a 3 bed semi effectively in the country side, a rural village, a school, gaa pitch, one pub and a bus service that stops twice a day. We couldnt afford first of all nor get on the list to buy but she was annoyed about it. Myself and her father both agreed it was way too much to live in an area with no public services and pay a higher LPT for fuck all.

What does the council taxes cover in the mainland?

Bins mostly. Thereā€™s a fair old land grab by the city mayors though, who are increasingly styling themselves on something out of an American crime thriller.
I think they do some road resurfacing, other than that, redistribution as they I think have to find care homes and things.
Street cleaning, parks, I think they subsidise leisure centres and libraries.

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HSE a fair example but it appears to be a basket case of an organisation. In general my experience has been that of being not adequately resourced and I would doubt there are swathes of people doing jobs that could be rationalised as you stated.

When you say a higher LPT though you are probably talking the difference of a couple of hundred ā‚¬ a year? Rates and council tax here continues to rise as central funding gets squeezed and Councils try to keep things going by placing the burden on residents. Ā£2k a year for a modest house and the only service I get that you donā€™t is probably the bins collected (not last month though as binmen were striking).
Council tax in the UK is also used to pay for things like social workers, which means you will often find that the biggest houses in Westminster pay less council tax than a semi-detached in Hull.

Hate to break it to you but the majority of people study made up stuff pal ā€¦

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You would be surprised what a proper streamline would do to improve the customer output in the HSE, a lot of people probably are off their feet but doing tasks that could be automated or reduced by improving the overall systems they work in. On the flip side we saw the damage the cyber attack caused. Its a double edged sword

I honestly donā€™t know how you turn around the HSE. It needs major reform and itā€™s a big job. I think a lot of the problems stem from our health policy and the contradictory public/private approach.

In general though, an in my experience, I donā€™t think you are correct that many people are doing redundant jobs. I would say itā€™s more likely to be the case that places are underrecourced with staff to do the work that needs to be done. Iā€™d also say that this is a contributor to whatā€™s sometimes seen as institutional inertia in the civil service.

In simple terms You canā€™t amalgamate a load of companies into one big company and everyone keeps the same roles and responsibilitiesā€¦

Are you still talking about the HSE? He was talking about the public service generally, which is what I was responding to. I donā€™t see that thereā€™s a load of redundant jobs being done.

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Its 4pm on a Wednesday afternoon. Looks like youā€™re being very productive alright

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Friend of the Mrs did Orts in Trinners. Lovely girl and not doubting her ability or skills but anytime she gets promotrd she ends up in a different dept. Could be IT, HR or some othe random placement. For arguments sake letā€™s say she took to IT like a duck to water and merited the promotion after a year or 18 months. Why move her to HR? Itā€™s ludicrous carry on.

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